Chapter 2: Tireless Hours of Waiting

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They left the infirmary and talked as they walked through the hallway.

"Shizune! Take Mayoumi and show her around the village!" Lady Tsunade yelled.

"Yes ma'am!" The women with the black hair said. She started to guide Mayoumi out of the building,

"Wait! Lady Hokage! I need to see Naruto." She said. Tsunade sighed. Mayoumi looked up at her with sad eyes. Tsunade looked at her eyes and her own grew wider. She closed her eyes and sighed again.

"You can..." Mayoumi's eyes lit up and she jumped in the air. "...but!, Naruto is on a mission, he won't be back until tomorrow evening." She finished. Mayoumi kind of ignored the second part of her sentence,

"Oh! Thank you!" She gave Tsunade a quick hug and leaped out the nearest window. She started jumping and running from roof to roof with a huge grin on her face.

"M'lady, should I chase after her?" Shizune asked.

"No, I don't think anyone could catch her at the rate she's running." Tsunade said with a smirk. She not only looks like Naruto, she acts like him too. She thought.

Mayoumi was so excited to see the village. She jumped even faster, until something caught her eye: Ichiraku Ramen. She stopped and a childish joy filled her heart. He jumped down from the roof she was on and quickly ran to the ramen shop. She sat down and ordered one of everything that was on the menu. The man who was sitting next to her chuckled.

"What's so funny?" She asked the man.

"I've only ever seen one of my students eat that much ramen!" the man replied.

"Which student is that?"

"Oh, I'm sure you've heard of him, Naruto Uzumaki, the one who saved the Leaf village." The man said with a smile.

"Oh! I have! I'm his..." Mayoumi paused mid-sentence as she remembered back to the conversation she had with Lady Tsunade before she left,

"Remember Mayoumi, you can't tell anyone in the village that you're Naruto's sister. If Naruto were to find out this news from someone else, he might not take it very well. It would be best if you or myself tell him first."

She remembered her words and didn't finish her sentence.

"Um, never mind, anyways, can you tell me a little bit about Naruto. Like his interests or friends?"Mayoumi asked.

"Of course. You're new to the Leaf village aren't you?" the man asked.

"Yeah. I got here a few hours ago. I'm Mayoumi Uzu... I mean, just Mayoumi." she replied.

"I'm Iruka Umino. Nice to meet you. Anyways, yes. Naruto has many friends. Although his close friends are Sakura Haruno, Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuga, Neji Hyuga, Rock Lee, TenTen Yukari, Shino Aburame, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, Sai and I guess that's about it, apart from his sensei's." he said.

"Wow. That's a lot."

"Well, as I said, Naruto has many friends." Iruka looked at the clock on the wall, "Oh! I apologize, I wish I could talk more but I have to go. Nice talking to you!" he said as he walked away.

Mayoumi was happy that she got some information about Naruto, but she needed to know more! She knew that she had to talk to the people on the list of names Iruka said. Luckily, she had a good memory. She ran around the village asking where one of them might be. She had run out of energy sooner than she thought she would. She then, saw a boy with a dog as she turned the corner. The boy had brown hair and red paint on his cheeks, the dog had pure white fur. She ran up to the boy,

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