Chapter 8: Like Brother, Like Sister

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Before I start I just want to give a BIG SHOUTOUT TO Hoseki13 for the positive support and for reading my last chapter only thirty minutes after I posted it! (You really made my day! :D)


Mayoumi's Pov:

Is this it? Am I going to die? Brother... There are so many things I wish I could tell you, share with you... The air feels nice. All of the fear in my body just seems to drift away. It's... Peaceful. What's that? A hand? It's reaching for me. That's odd. Does it want me to take the hand? It seems so tempting in itself. Okay.

Mayoumi grabbed onto the mysterious hand. It was Naruto's hand.

Sakura's Pov:

Sakura and Naruto heard a scream. They turned around and saw Mayoumi falling to the bottom of the rather large revene. Naruto formed the hand signs for his shadow clone Jutsu and jumped off the tree trunk bridge. His clones grabbed onto each other's ankles almost like a chain link to reach Mayoumi in time. Naruto reached his hand out and she grabbed it catching her just in time. He pulled her up and she was shaking ferociously, holding onto Naruto's hand for dear life.

"Set her on the ground." Sakura commanded. Naruto did, Mayoumi's eyes were wide and her pupils were dilated. Sakura felt her forehead. "She's burning up. It must be severe trauma." Sakura set Mayoumi's back on the ground and began trying to slow her heart rate down with her medical ninjutsu. "That's it, you're okay. Everything is fine. You're alright." Sakura cooed to try and calm her down. She looked over to Naruto, he had a worried expression on his face.

After a few moments, Mayoumi stopped shaking and her heartbeat slowed. She sat up and looked at Naruto. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. Sakura could hear her voice tremble, she was crying.

"T-th-thanks f-for saving m-me." She said. To Sakura's suprise, Naruto hugged her back.

"It was nothing! It's not like I care or anything." He scoffed. Sakura chuckled.

"I'm sorry to brake the moment but we should get moving, and Mayoumi, take it easy. You're not fully recovered yet." Sakura said reluctant on breaking a sweet brother and sister moment.

Mayoumi's Pov:

      When I had been saved, It seemed that Naruto pulled me out of my reality, which caused my mind to be shaken up.

Mayoumi realized this as Sakura helped her up and let her lean on her for support. Mayoumi was still weak from her trauma. They walked across the rest of the tree trunk bridge and continued on to the Hidden Cloud Village.

7 Hours Later...

Naruto's Pov:

It was now dusk. They had been walking for a long time and Mayoumi had now fully recovered. Naruto had been oddly silent for some time now.

"Naruto," Mayoumi started. "Are you okay?" She finished. Naruto didn't reply. Mayoumi looked at his face and assumed that he was in deep thought.

Do I care about her? I mean, she's my sister, I'm supposed to care right? Ugh! I don't know! At first I didn't want anything to do with her, but after she almost died, I kinda want to accept her into my life. I'll wait until after the mission to decide on what I want to do... I just wish my brain would make up its mind! Naruto thought.

Sakura didn't notice he was thinking and thought that he just ignored Mayoumi out of annoyance.

"Hey!" Sakura shouted as she hit Naruto on the head, he winced in pain at the contact of her fist with his skull. "Listen to your sister once in a while okay! Stop your emo attitude! You're turning into Sasuke!" She screamed.

"Well at least you finally agree with me that he's emo..." Naruto mumbled, which granted him a hard hit on the head from one pink-haired kunoichi.

"It's alright Sakura; you don't have to force Naruto to talk to me if he doesn't want to." Mayoumi said.

"Oh, ok. As long as you're fine with it." Sakura said and walked ahead of the two blondes.

"I didn't ask for your help." Naruto groaned.

"I know, but I'm your sister, so I figured it was a given." Mayoumi stated and walked ahead to talk to Sakura.

Hmm... Sister... Brother....... Family? I could get used to that. Naruto thought as he gave a small smile that he tried his best to hide.

"Okay guys! Let's stop here, it's getting pretty late." Sakura said.

Everyone went to sleep under the stars, the next morning, they would surely make it to the hidden cloud.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys! I hoped you liked this part! Oh! And I also shortened the journey to the hidden cloud, because no one wants filler chapters! Well, don't forget to vote, favorite, comment, follow, and enjoy! Bye! :)

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