Chapter 12: Bonds

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Author's Note: Okay, Okay, I know I'm late on this! And I also know that you guys are sick of hearing my apologies, but I actually have an excuse this time! I had to study for Midterms, and I wanted to pretty much end my life. But thankfully they are over, but then my art teacher suddenly became active, and she had us do all of these assignments, that I still need to do, but I'm ignoring them for now because I owe you guys, so here you go. Also, I'm making a schedule for myself, so that I can get my life on track XD

Love you guys sooooooo much! Thanks for everything!!!!!!


Naruto's Pov:

I ran after Mayoumi. She was high up in a tree, curled in on herself. I jumped up to her,


"Go away." she replied in an upset tone.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I need to say this." I said. She glared up at me. She had tears in her eyes and her face was red. "I'm not good at this whole brother thing okay!" her eyes widened at my sudden outburst. "I stink at being your brother! And you don't need me to tell you that, I know. I'm a screw-up. I always have been. But I'm gonna change! I'm really gonna try! Mostly because you're the only family I've got. And... we've gotta be there for each other. I know I don't deserve it, but could you give me one more chance?"

She started to cry again and she jumped up and hugged me. 

"I'm sorry too! I've just been so emotional through all of this, I mean you're my brother! And I guess I just expected too much out of you so quickly! I only thought that you'd be happy once you saw me, I never thought about how else you might feel, and how hard it might be for you."

I smiled and hugged her back, "It'll be fun." She looked up at me,

"What will be?" I smiled down at her,

"Being your brother."

Time Skip

We made it back to the leaf village and reported back to Tsunade.

"Good work you three. You did well."

"Thank you M'Lady." Sakura said and bowed.

"Hey Granny," I said. Granny looked at me with an annoyance, "Is it alright if I show Mayoumi around the village?" After I said that Tsunade smiled and granted me the permission. We all walked out of her office and Sakura bid us farewell as she walked away from us.

"Hey Naruto, I appreciate the gesture, but I kinda already looked around the village already." Mayoumi said sweetly. I looked at her, baffled. I laughed,

"Well, I can still show you some cool things about the village that not many people know about." I said, but then all of the sudden, I saw a flash of green and I suddenly was smashed into a fence. I got up from the rubble only to see the one and only,

"Bushy Brow! What was that for??" I yelled. I got up and looked towards Mayoumi.

"Hey, you were apart of that team that I met in the forest." she said. Bushy Brows looked at her strangely, then suddenly smiled wide.

"Oh! Yes you are that lovely girl we had a run in with! I don't think that I've properly introduced myself yet! My name is Rock Lee!" Lee yelled. Mayoumi smiled in return and shouted,

"And my name is Mayoumi Uzumaki!" she giggled. Bushy Brows' eyes went wide,

"U-Uzumaki??! Are you telling me that you are apart of Naruto's family?!"

"Y'yes..." she blushed, "I'm Naruto's sister." Lee only smiled and nodded, but his face suddenly became serious,

"Although it is nice to meet you, I will not let you beat me this time! You will not catch me off guard again!" He gave her a thumbs up, "When we spar again, I will surely defeat you!" he smiled. Mayoumi blushed and nodded,

"Alright! Until we meet again Lee!" she smiled and waved to him and he ran off. I looked over at her clearly-red face and smirked,

"Looks like someone took a liking to Lee." She looked over at me and hit my shoulder,

"N-no I do not! He's just nice! And what are you gonna do, get angry again?!" she yelled. I laughed at her silliness,

"No, unlike that Hidden Cloud guy, I trust Bushy Brow."

"B-Bushy Brow?" She laughed loudly, "What kind of a nickname is that?"

"Only the best!" I laughed and we walked on. I showed her a lot of cool stuff around the village, including the Uchiha compound, which was an awkward conversation of me trying to avoid talking about Sasuke.

Nonetheless, we continued on and eventually, I saw another familiar face,

"Hey Hinata!" Hinata's head shot straight up and she instantly tried to turn away, but Mayoumi ran up to her and hugged her.

"Hi Hinata! It's good to see you again!" Hinata started to blush a deep red color and kept her eyes closed tightly. Mayoumi then suddenly let go of her and looked at her worriedly, "Oh! Don't worry! I'm not Naruto! It's Mayoumi, remember?" 

All of the sudden, Hinata stopped blushing and gave a small smile to Mayoumi.

"H- hello Mayoumi." she said quietly, but then she looked over to me and put her head down straight away. "I-I'm sorry, I have to go." she said and then hurried off.

Mayoumi then walked back to me and we began walking in a different direction when suddenly,

"I think she likes you." Mayoumi smiled up at me.

"Who? Hinata? No, you've got it wrong, we're just friends."

"Mhmm. Well, that might be how you see it, but she certainly sees it differently." I looked at her, puzzled,

"What on Earth are you talking about?" I asked, but she only smiled,

"You'll see." She said as she patted my back and walked ahead of me. "Let's head home, it's getting late. I shrugged and followed her back to my apartment.


Author's Note: Thank you all so much for your patience! <3 I'll post another part soon! I promise! Within 5 days! 

~1010 Words!

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