Chapter 4: Friends by chance, siblings by choice

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          Mayoumi shed a single tear, for she had found her brother after 4 years of searching.

Naruto's Pov:

He looked at Sakura,

"Sakura. Help. Me." He said gasping for breath. Sakura looked at the girl hugging Naruto. She noticed something,

"Hey, you look like..." Sakura paused. Mayoumi looked up at her.

"Oh! Hey, I'm Mayoumi!" She said running up to her.

"Naruto. Uh, you look. Well. Um, why do you...? What?!" Sakura said staring at Mayoumi. Mayoumi chuckled.

"Hmm. Oh, I've been getting that a lot in this village. Yes, I look like Naruto."

"Wow. Well, you actually look kinda like Naruto's sexy jutsu." Sakura said laughing. Mayoumi gave her a confused look.

"Well, the reason I look like him...  Um, I'm... It's sort of hard to explain, but... You see..." Mayoumi struggled to say.

Mayoumi's Pov:

"Naruto! Lady Tsunade wants you and Mayoumi in her office now." Said Kiba.

At Lady Tsunade's office...

"What is it Granny?" Naruto asked. Mayoumi couldn't believe what Naruto said, but she laughed anyway. She gave Mayoumi a harsh look.

Why would he call the Hokage a granny, she looks quite young, and Naruto has always wanted to be Hokage. Mayoumi thought.

"Naruto! This is Mayoumi." Lady Tsunade said sternly.

"We've already met." Naruto said lazily.

"Naruto, what I am about to say may hurt you, so I need you to be prepared and remember to think rationally." Lady Tsunade said.

"What's going on?" Naruto asked.

"Mayoumi... Mayoumi, is your twin sister." She said.

Naruto's Pov:

"What." Naruto said. That was all he could say. He froze. His mind went blank. It was as if he was watching himself in third person. Then, a thought occurred in his mind, Sister. I, have a-a sister. Naruto then heard a muffled voice, becoming clearer and clearer,

"Naruto!" Granny Tsunade yelled. Naruto snapped back into reality,

"Huh." He said. Naruto then thought more about having a sister. "So you mean to tell me, that she is my sister?" He asked. Granny nodded. Naruto felt a sudden rage, like his own blood was boiling. "She was here all this time, and never once thought to come find me." He said while gritting his teeth.

"Naruto, I looked for 4 years. I grew up in a different village, we got separated when the nine-tails attached the village." Mayoumi explained.

"You didn't look hard enough!" He yelled. "I was alone. I needed someone, I needed a sister, but you weren't there." He said angrily.

"Naruto, I'm sorry. I... I didn't know where you were!" She said tearing up.

"Did you have a family?"

"Y...yes." She said hesitantly.

"I had no one when I was younger. Everyone gave up on me. The whole village hated me! You never had to deal with that! Not any of it."

"Naruto. I know exactly how y-"

"Don't tell me you know how it felt! You have a family, people to love you, someone to welcome you home everyday. They, they all looked at me with those, those eyes." He said remembering his past.

"Naruto..." Mayoumi started.

"I'm going home!" He said as he walked out the door and slammed it shut.

Naruto walked home thinking about what he'd just learned. He got home and opened the door. His eyes grew wide as he looked at his apartment.

Clean? He thought. All of the trash was gone, his cloths washed and folded, his bed made, the floors shining, the furniture dusted, even the lights looked as if they were glowing brighter. Then, he saw a note on the table folded neatly. It read:

Dear Naruto,

I am so excited to see you. By the time you're reading this, we'll have already met. I don't know if you'll accept me as a sister or even a comrade, but I want you to know that I will always love you. Even if you hate me, I will always care about you. Before I even knew you, I felt a connection between us, a bond...

Naruto's eyes grew wider when he got to the word 'bond'. He thought of Sasuke. He went into deep thought, afterwards he continued reading the letter;

... I felt a connection between us, a bond. I hope you feel it too. Anyways, I cleaned your apartment. I thought it'd be nice if you came home and could actually see your floor. Yesterday, I met a few of your friends. They are amazing! I asked them about you, they told me you were an idiot. Haha! They also said you have a dream to become Hokage, and I will forever support that dream. A wise man once told me, "Never go back on your word, and never give up." I hope your dreams come true.
            Thanks for being the thing that kept me going all these years,
                                                                                                                               Mayoumi Uzumaki

AUTHORS NOTE: I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. I have been on vacation, but regular updates will return as soon as I get home with my computer. In the meantime, leave a comment, follow, vote, and I am probably going to get writers block in a few chapters. So, any ideas you write in the comments I greatly appreciate and might put in the story. Again, thanks for the support! Byeee! :D

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