Chapter 7: YAY! I have decided to continue the story!

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ok, now I am going to try and continue this story. It's been a while so I would appreciate it if you guys give me some ideas. If I include your idea you will receive credit. Thanks! Enjoy :)


The old man made Naruto and Mayoumi some ramen and they finished it up with a record time of twelve seconds! Mayoumi beat Naruto by 1/8th of a second, which shocked Sakura and Naruto greatly. The man unfortunately had to leave, and bid them all a 'farewell'. Then the three continued their journey. It was a comfortable silence between them, that Sakura decided to brake.

"So, Mayoumi... Naruto knows the shadow clone Jutsu too!" She said sweetly.

"Really?" Mayoumi asked.

"Yeah. It's like the only one he ever uses." She chuckled.

"Sakura!" Naruto groaned irritated.

"Well it's true Naruto."

"I use my Rasengan too ya'know." Naruto mumbled.

"It's alright Naruto. It's an effective jutsu." Mayoumi said.

     Eventually, the three came upon a large ravine with a huge fallen tree which stretched across it; forming a pathway.

"Looks like we'll have to go across it." Naruto said.

"Uh... Do we have to? I mean how about we hike down the side and walk across the ground, and then we hike back up." Mayoumi said.

"But that would take twice as long." Sakura said.

"Yeah but......... The fun is in the journey right!" Mayoumi smiled.

"No. Why would we do all that work if we can just simply walk across the tree here!?" Naruto yelled with frustration.

"Well.... Uh.... B-because..." Mayoumi stuttered.

"NO! We aren't doing that. You're such an idiot."

"Look who's talking!" Sakura yelled as she hit Naruto on the head.

"It's... It's because I'm afraid of heights."

"You have got to be kidding me." Naruto dead panned.

"Well, you've got to face your fears sometime right?" Sakura said cheerfully.


"Come on! We'll cheer you on!" She continued on.

"Uh... B-B-Bu-but..."

"No excuses! Let's go!" Sakura encouraged. She pushed Mayoumi lightly so she would walk forwards across the tree trunk. Mayoumi just stood there with a terrified look on her face.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll go first!" Naruto said agitated. Naruto walked in front of Mayoumi and steadied himself on the trunk. He started to walk across it putting chakra into his feet to ensure a safer trip across. Next, Sakura went right behind him and beckoned Mayoumi to follow her. Mayoumi reluctantly did and began walking carefully across.

     After a few moments, Mayoumi stepped wrong. While trying her best not to look down, her foot slipped off the log and she began to fall.

Will this be the end? Am I going to die? Brother...


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well, that's it for the chap.

P.S. Sorry!!! I took to long of a vacation from this story, and I owe you guys a huge apology. I am going to try to come up with a schedule, and post more often. Thanks to all of you who are still faithful to my story! Bye! :)

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