Chapter 3: The Day of Arrival!

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AUTHORS NOTE: Before I start I just want to give a shoutout to _HimeChan_ for writing my first comment ever! So thanks! 😊

Mayoumi walked out the restaurant. It was getting late, but she had no where to sleep. She decided to go to the Hokage's office.

Minutes later...

"Ah, yes sleeping arrangements." Started Lady Tsunade. "Hmm. Well, I suppose you can sleep in Naruto's apartment."

"Oh thanks Lady Tsunade!" Mayoumi yelled as she ran out the door in excitement.

Hmm. I wonder where she's going, considering I didn't even get a chance to tell her where it is. Tsunade thought.

Mayoumi ran outside, then realized she had no idea how to get there. Then she saw a girl wearing a purple jacket and walked up to her.

"Hey!" Mayoumi said. The girl glanced over. "Sorry, but do you know where Naruto's house is?" She asked.

The girl suddenly blushed, "N-Naruto?" The girl said.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry, I'm Mayoumi." She said. The girl stopped blushing and looked down.

"Oh. I'm sorry." She said.

"Why?" She said. The girl didn't reply. "Well, anyways, do you know where Naruto's apartment is?" She asked again.

"Y-yes. I'm Hinata Hyuga. I'll show you where he lives." Hinata said.

They both walked to Naruto's apartment and walked to his door. Mayoumi tried to turn the handle, but it wouldn't budge.

"Locked." She mumbled.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that it was locked." Hinata said quietly.

"Oh it's fine Hinata. It's just a simple screw-lock." Mayoumi said.

"Hmm? But, what do you mean?" Hinata asked.

"It's just the type of lock, one of the simplest to pick." Mayoumi said. She then kneeled down, and got a Kuni from her pocket. She put it into the lock, "Hinata do you have something small like a hair pin or paper clip?"

"N-no. Why?"

"I'm going to pick the lock."

"Well, I have tweezers. Will that work?"

"Yep, perfect." Mayoumi said. Hinata handed her the tweezers. Mayoumi stuck one half of the tweezers in the lock and turned the Kuni slightly. She put her ear to the door and listen closely while still moving the Kuni in one direction. Then, she heard the magic sound, a click. She smiled and opened the door with ease. Hinata gazed in awe.

"H-how did you do that?" She asked.

"Well, I've had lots of practice. Just remember, when it comes to lock-picking, it's all about the tumblers." She said, then walked inside of Naruto's house.

She closed the door behind her, and looked at the room... It was a pig sty. Trash and dirty cloths were all on the floor.

" You've got to be kidding me." She said. Hey,I know! I'll clean his apartment so that way when he comes home from his long mission, he won't have to worry about it. She thought. She cleaned the house right away, and soon fell asleep on the floor when she said that she was 'only taking a break.'

Daybreak came and Mayoumi awoke feeling the warmth of the sun's rays through the blinds. She got up and raced out the door. She couldn't wait to see Naruto, of course she was nervous, but she could barely contain her excitement. She ran to the entrance of the village. There were two men there, sitting in a sort-of stand or wooden booth with a roof.

"Hey! What're you here for?" One of the two men asked.

"Oh, I'm just here to wait for Naruto to return to the village." She said as she sat down against one of the walls, and started to talk about Naruto.

4 hours later...

"Ugh! Lady Tsunade said that he'd be back by evening! That witch!" She said scowling.

"It's only 10am, you came here at 6 in the morning." One of the man said.

"Well, I happen to be a very impatient person, you're lucky I didn't complain sooner."

"Uh, you did. You started complaining after 20 minutes of waiting."

2 more hours later...

Naruto's Pov: (point.of.view)

          "Naruto, you're so immature!" Said Sakura as she hit him in the head.

"Ow! Sakura! That hurt." Naruto said whining. They were walking to the entrance to the village along with Kakashi sensei, of course. They were walking by when Naruto noticed a girl, with blonde hair, sleeping.

"Hey, who's this?" Naruto asked the men.

"Oh her? Yeah, she came here early this morning, she kept on talking 'bout you. She was going on and on about how she had to see you. She's been waiting here for about six hours. She only fell asleep an hour ago." The two men said.

          Naruto looked at the girl and walked up to her, he was about to put his hand on her shoulder when her eyes suddenly opened. She grabbed his wrist  and put her for arm on his neck like a choke hold and slammed him against the wall.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked.

"Hey! I was just trying to wake you up!" He yelled angrily.

"He's telling the truth, Naruto was only trying to wake you." Sakura said.

Mayoumi's Pov:

          Mayoumi froze. She had heard what the pink-haired girl said. Meaning, the person she was arguing with was,

"N-Naruto? S-so that means..." Mayoumi stuttered. She was so overwhelmed with joy. She didn't know what to do. A million things were going through her mind. So, she just wrapped her arms around him, and hugged him tightly. "Oh, I finally found you, I finally found you." She whispered.

AUTHORS NOTE: I want to thank you guys for all of the support. Don't forget to vote, comment,follow, and enjoy! Bye! :)

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