Chapter 10: Protector

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I want to apologize for my long break, so here are two chapters!!! Enjoy! Vote, comment and I love you guys!

Naruto's Pov:

Stupid what's-his-name! He needs to stop flirting with Mayoumi.


Wait, WHY DO I CARE! I don't! She can date whoever she wants, it's not like I'm her dad or anything. I barely consider her as my sister so it shouldn't matter.

"Naruto, why do you have that look on your face?" Sakura whispered as we walked the halls up to the Raikage's office.

"What are you talking about?"

"You have a really angry and frustrated look on your face. Are you okay?"

I glanced over at Mayoumi and Darui talking and laughing behind us.

"I'm fine."

Sakura glanced where I did and looked back at me with a smirk.

"You're fine?"

"Yeah." I said hiding the fact that I was worried she was going to think I actually cared.

"You're not as good of an actor as Sasuke, Naruto." She said smirking.

"W-what are you talking about?!"

"He knew how to hide his emotions. You're not as good at it." I stared at her in bewilderment. "It's Mayoumi right? Her and that guy seem pretty close."

"It's not about her and they don't seem pretty close!" I whisper-yelled angrily at her. She only laughed.

"Aww! It's cute that you care."

Cute. Sakura thinks I'm cute?

I started to blush, "Well, uh. Maybe after the mission, we could go on a date?"

"Not in a million years Naruto. You're like a brother to me, I meant that in a caring way." She said smartly.

"Oh." I sulked.

"You won't make me feel guilty, Naruto."

"Come on~ dattebayo!"

"Hey what are you two chitchating about?" Mayoumi said as she came up from behind us.

"N-nothing!" I yelled quickly.

"We were just talking about how Naruto is in love with Sasuke." Sakura said trying to hold back a laugh.

"I do not love that teme!"

"Then why do you give him more attention than Hinata!" Sakura yelled. I was just confused why she said Hinata. Hmm..... Oh well, I'm sure I'll know eventually.

Sakura's Pov:

We eventually made it to the Raikage's office with a lot of laughter on the way and Naruto's blush.

"Raikage, we have visitors from the Hidden Leaf." Darui said already bored of the conversation.

"Ah. Lady Tsunade said that you would be coming."

"Good day, Raikage sama." I said as I bowed. "Lady Tsunade told us to give you these scrolls. She says that they will shed light on new events in the leaf."

"I see. Thank you for bringing me these. Of course, this is official business and I can't have you here while I look over these. However, because you made this long journey here, I have provided rooms for you at the inn."

We left the Raikage's office and went to our hotel room. We were all staying in one room. It only had one bed......

So of course Naruto was sleeping on the floor.

Naruto's Pov:

I can't believe they get the bed! This is ridiculous! Come on! They only gave me one pillow too! Not even a blanket!

Time skip...

I tried to fall asleep quickly bit it was hard because of the uncomfortable floor I was sleeping on. Nonetheless, I didn't fall asleep. Although, in the middle of the night, I heard movement from the bed and footsteps across the floor to the window. I decided to follow them.

I looked outside and saw Mayoumi. She had her knees up to her chest and her head was buried along with them. I suddenly felt bad and the need to comfort her. I wonder why I feel like this...

"M-Mayoumi?" I asked softly to try not to scare her, but it seemed futile because she looked up at me in shock. Her eyes had tears in the corners of them and she tried to quickly wipe them off when she saw me.

"Naruto! I- I didn't think you were up."

"I didn't think you were either." I said with a slight chuckle. "Why are you up this late anyways?"

"It's nothing."

"No. It's obviously something. What's wrong." I can't believe I actually cared. I was really worried about her and wanted to help.

"I had a bad dream."

"About what?"

"About my childhood. My village hated me. I-- my dream was more specific about a certain moment that- that..." She started to cry again after that and I put my arm around her.

"Hey. It's alright. It's in the past and you don't have to tell me about it now. Tell me when you're ready." She seemed stunned by my actions and words and looked at me with big eyes. She began to smile and hugged my side.

"Thanks for understanding."

"Hey, it's what brothers do... Right?" I said with a cheeky smile. She laughed at my stupidity and looked up at the stars.

Brother. I could get used to that.

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