Chapter 6: Realization

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Guys, I added a little to the 5th chapter, so if you're confused with the beginning of this part, that's why. Ok, I will leave you to read...


Mayoumi's Pov:

After the argument, they all continued to walk on the road instead of through the trees. Mayoumi wanted so badly for Naruto to accept her as a sister, but at the same time she understood why he didn't. They kept walking until Mayoumi saw an old man in the distance.

"Hello!" she waved. The man smiled. He was wearing a very big and tall backpack. Suddenly, another man dropped down from the trees and pressed a kunai to the elder's neck.

"Drop the bag, and I might not kill you." The man said crudely. Mayoumi was furious, he wasn't gonna get away with this. She crossed her index and middle fingers from both hands making a hand sign.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" She yelled. A huge puff of smoke appeared, and when it dissipated there were 300 clones all around. "You wanna give that back?" One of her clones said to the man. The man just stood there stunned. "Fine, have it your way." Another clone smirked.

           In a few moments the thief was knocked out and beaten to a pulp on the ground.

"Thank you." The man said to Mayoumi. Mayoumi smiled and released the clone jutsu.

"It was nothing, are you okay?" She asked.

"Now that you're here."

"What did he want anyways?"

"I suppose the ingredients for ramen. I'm delivering it to a ramen shop in the Leaf village."

"Ramen!?" Mayoumi and Naruto said together.

"You have ramen in there!?" Naruto said with excitement.

"Well, just the ingredients. You would still have to make the ramen yourself." The man said.

"Aww." Naruto and Mayoumi said sadley.

"But, I can make you some bowls if you'd like." The man offered. Mayoumi and naruto's faces lit up and smiled open-mouthed.

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