Chapter 5: A Mission With My Not-So-Sister

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Mayoumi's Pov:

That night, Mayoumi slept on a bench. Having no where to go, and not wanting to ask her brother if she could stay with him, she decided to take the homeless route. They next day, she couldn't face Naruto. She was going to leave the village when someone yelled her name,

"Mayoumi! Lady Tsunade wants you and I in her office." The pink-haired girl from yesterday said. They started walking down the road, "So... you're Naruto's sister, huh?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah." She said as her smile slowly faded.

"I heard what happened. Ya'know, after you told him."

"Oh, you did? I... I-" Mayoumi sighed. "I decided to leave. If Naruto, doesn't want me around, I have no purpose being here."

"What?! How, can you just leave? You should stay, I insist. You have no where else to go, right? Well, you can stay with me until you find somewhere to live." The girl said.

"Thanks for the offer, but I- I don't even know your name."

"Hmm?" She laughed. "My name is Sakura Haruno. I forgot that i hadn't told you yet." The two kept on walking. "Well, here we are." She stopped in front of the Hokage's office door. Sakura opened the door and moved aside to let Mayoumi go first. When Sakura moved, Mayoumi saw Naruto's back he turned around,

"Grandma Tsunade! What's she doing here!?" He yelled pointing to Mayoumi.

"Naruto! Pipe down and listen!" Tsunade yelled back. "I called you three here for something important." everyone faced her, " I assign you all on a mission... together." Tsunade smirked.

"What?! That's not fair! I'm not going!" Naruto yelled.

"Naruto! This is an order!"

"Why her?!"

"Sai is already on a mission from the ANBU. Everyone else is helping rebuild the village." Tsunade stated.

"Why couldn't Sakura, Kakashi sensei and i do it?"

"Kakashi is delivering a message to the Kazekage for me."

"What about captain Yamato?"

"He is delivering a message to the Tsuchikage. Is that all?" Tsunade asked. Naruto grunted,

"Fine. Lets go." Naruto walked out.

"You and him really are alike Mayoumi. You have both walked out of my office without waiting for me to tell you the information you came here for in the first place." She looked at Mayoumi and smiled. "Anyways, Sakura, can you rely this information to Naruto? Your mission is to go to the Village Hidden in the Clouds, and give the Raikage these scrolls." she said as she handed Sakura two scrolls.

"What do they say?" Mayoumi asked.

"They contain information about the current state of The Leaf and shed light on recent events." she said plainly. They walked out of the office.

"Meet me at the entrance to the village in three hours." Sakura said as she walked away.

3 hours later...

Mayoumi didn't need to prepare for the mission. The only thing she had were the cloths on her back and whatever was in her kunai and shuriken holsters. So, she just went to Ichiraku and ordered two of everything. She walked up to the entrance gates and saw Sakura there.

"Hey, Sakura!" Mayoumi yelled.

"Hey Mayoumi."

"Is Naruto here yet?"

"No, he's late as usual." Sakura said annoyed.

"Oh..." Mayoumi suddenly went into deep thought about the day before. Sakura noticed,

"Hey, you're thinking about Naruto aren't you." Sakura said. "It's okay. He was just surprised, I'm sure he'll come around." she smiled.


Naruto Pov:

Naruto was late. He knew Sakura would be mad. He ran up to the main gates and saw Mayoumi and Sakura.

"Naruto! You're late again!" She yelled as she held up her fist.

"Sakura, I'm sure he has a good reason for being late." Mayoumi said trying to calm her down.

"He better!" Sakura replied as she looked at naruto waiting for him to say something.

"I- I was... uh..." Naruto couldn't think of anything.

"Maybe Lady Tsunade called Naruto in her office to talk with him about the mission." Mayoumi said trying to help him out.

"Oh, well then what did she need you for Naruto?" Sakura asked smirking.

"She needed me... for um... to tell me that... I need to remember to focus on the mission." He said with a worried laugh. Sakura just rolled her eyes,

"Fine, lets just go." They walked out of the village and Naruto and Sakura jumped up on a tree branch. sakura looked down at Mayoumi who was still on the ground, "Hey, Mayoumi come on." Mayoumi's eyes grew wider.

"Oh, right. You ninja travel through the trees. Um, well. Can we travel by foot?" Mayoumi nervously laughed. Sakura and naruto gave her confused looks. "It's just, i don't want to slow you guys down since I've never done that before... And! Isn't it better to smell the roses once in a while?" She smiled.

"Um, well it'll slow down our pace. Plus, you heard lady Tsunade, this message is important. We can walk on the way back." Sakura said.

"Yeah, well..." Mayoumi started.

"Ugh. Can you just quit it! Sakura said no! This isn't playtime! It's a mission!" Naruto yelled.Naruto looked straight into her eyes, he could tell she was hurt. So, could Sakura,

"Naruto! You idiot!" She punched Naruto and he fell out of the tree whining her name. Then, Sakura turned to Mayoumi, "You know, I suddenly changed my mind. We should travel by foot." she said with a smile.

Mayoumi started to think, I am getting nowhere with Naruto. I need to try not to annoy him and try to get him to understand that I will always be his sister and no matter what, he can't change that. She thought.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Guys, I want to thank you for over 100 reads! Thats crazy! Thank you so much! Hope you're enjoying the story!

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