Chapter 15: The End

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Naruto's Pov:

"You fell asleep in your office again." Sasuke said as I got up from my confining chair. "Being Hokage getting to you?" He asked with a chuckle. I chuckled back slightly, still remembering that dream I had.

A dream?

     I instantly became sad. It was very fun to imagine that I had a sister. She seemed wonderful in the dream. Just like how I'd always imagined her to be, fun and an idiot, just like me. I smiled to myself.

"Good dream?" Sasuke asked.

"Only about family." I responded quickly. Sasuke's eyes widened,

"Again? You and Hinata thinking of expanding?" he questioned to which I became shocked.

"W-what? N-no! No, Boruto and Himawari are perfect. Having more than two would be too hectic." I replied, he only hummed at my response. "Why are you here anyways?"

"What? An old friend can't visit without having a reason?" He smirked, crossing his arms.

"An old friend can, but you, Sasuke Uchiha, cannot." I chuckled at his humorous reaction to my statement.

"Well remind me to never visit you again."

"I will." We both laughed at our banter. "What then? Why are you really here?" I questioned again, he only sighed,

"I found someone. Says they know you."


"A little ways from here."

"Well why is that so important for you to garner coming all the way here?" I laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.

"I felt summoned to her. I was hundreds of miles away, but her aura was so strong that I almost thought it was you. So I rushed over and found her covered in blood." He said seriously with a straight face.

"Well what are you waiting for, bring me to her." I said immediately concerned about the situation. 

     It was the dead of night and I should've gone home by now, but the fact that Sasuke came, means that this business is serious. We rushed down to the infirmary where Sasuke said he had put her to clean her up and bandage her wounds. I shoved the doors open and saw her there. 

     She looked older than she had in my dream. But, it was her. I knew that for sure. It was her. I almost choked on my saliva, this was insane. Had I predicted this?

     She was asleep on a hospital bed with her right arm cuffed to the bed just in case she was a threat. I cupped her cheek in my large palm. I looked at her face, she had whiskers- same as me- and long blond hair, messily thrown about as if to say she had gone through some sort of trauma. I stepped back and looked at her clothes. She wore a torn orange jacket with the Uzumaki crest on the side. She had bandages on her hands as if she had preformed too many jutsus that it burned her hands.

     Her eyes suddenly snapped open, she sat up, and grabbed my arm. Sasuke immediately went into a defensive position behind me. She activated his Rennagan just in case of an all-out attack on the Hokage- me.

     But, she barely acknowledged Sasuke as she smiled brightly up at me. It's the same smile. I thought as I subconsciously smiled back. I nodded to Sasuke and he backed down. The woman jumped up and hugged with all the force of a young child.

"I missed you Naruto." she giggled. I hugged her back, surprised that she existed and that she knew that I knew her.

"I missed you too..." She clenched on to me tighter, waiting for me to finish my sentence. "... Mayoumi." 

She pulled back and chuckled with tears forming in her eyes. She put her hand through my hair, and she spoke in the softest voice to me,

"I knew you'd remember me, brother."

The End. ❀ 

That's it, thank you all who came along with me on this long journey. I, in no way, shape or form, intended the ending to be so lack luster. When writing this for the first time, I intended so much more, but as school and getting older got in the way, this story was put on the back burner. I will forever apologize to the few of you who stayed with me, only to have this stupid ending.

Please forgive me. Gomen'nasai.

For those that actually enjoyed the story, not even that, but to those of you who read this story at all, I will never be able to repay you. 

You gave me the courage to write on. To continue. To not discontinue this story as I thought of doing so many times. And I can say, although the ending was trash. I finished it. It's done. Completed.

To everyone who read this, you have inspired me more than you'll ever know. I owe everything to you guys. This was my first story on Wattpad, and if this story hadn't done as well as it did in the beginning, I would have deleted Wattpad altogether.

                                                         Thank you from the bottom of my heart, 

                                                                                                                                                    A bad author  ♥ ~~~

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