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Kara has always had the worst luck with women. She'd get dates yes...but they never managed to meet her at the agreed location for said date. "Figures..." She mutters to herself as she sits alone again on a Saturday night at Noonan's. The restaurant is pretty well crowded with lots of people eating here. Kara stares at her phone seeing that the woman she was supposed to be on a date with has ghosted her like the rest of them do.

Meanwhile at a table a few feet away sits a young woman and her daughter discussing how the woman's best friend and 'Aunt' to her daughter needs to find someone worthy of the CEO's time. "What about her? She looks like Aunt Lena's type." The young girl whispered. "Take a pic of her and message her on Snapchat see what she says." The woman says. "Done mom...now what?" The young girl says. "Now Ruby we wait." The woman says as she pulls her phone out and begins texting said best friend.

"Hey I'm at Noonan's with Ruby..and theres a very cute blonde with broad shoulders who looks like she's been stood up from a blind date...she's been sitting her for almost a half a hour."

"Your point is what Sam?"

"My point Lena is that it's Saturday night! You need to get laid! So come down here and start a conversation with her! And check your fucking Snapchat!"

"I'll check Snapchat but I'm not coming down to Noonan's I've got work to do!"

"For the love of God Lena! You are twenty five years old! Get your ass down here or so help me I'll come get you myself!"

"Cunt off! I'm coming you crazy bitch! I just saw Ruby's picture. She's cute."

"There's my favorite Irish woman!"

"Aunt Lena's on her way!" Sam said. "Really! Did she see my pic?" Ruby asked. "Yes! I think that's the only reason she's coming here." Sam said. "At least she's coming! That's a big step!" Ruby replied with a smile. About ten minutes later Lena is walking into the restaurant wearing a pair of leggings and an over sized hoodie. She instantly spots Sam and Ruby before looking at the blonde. She does look like she's been ditched by a blind date. 'I can't fucking believe I'm about to do this...but here goes.' Lena thinks to herself as she walks over to the table.

Kara is oblivious to what's going on around her. Her eyes are glued to the book she's reading to care what or who's around her. It isn't until she hears a voice ask to join her that she looks up meeting the piercing green eyes of a goddess. It takes her a moment to respond but she eventually just shrugs her shoulders in response. "So what are you reading?" Lena asks. "It's called 'Keeper Of The Stars'." Kara replied. "Is it any good?" Lena asks. Letting out an annoyed sigh Kara puts her book down and looks directly at the green eyed woman. "Listen...I'm not sure why you wanted to sit here when there are clearly more empty tables. But since you decided to sit with a complete stranger who's almost finished with her food...I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Let me guess you're one of Madison's friends. You're here because she can't make our date? And the reason behind her ghosting me is because...either she dropped her phone in a public toilet or her non existent pet ate it...either way I'm done eating now...and I'll be going home. You can tell Madison that she didn't need to send a friend to tell me she's not interested in dating me." Kara stated.

Lena watched her get up from the table grabbing her bag and her book before paying for her meal and leaving the restaurant with tears in her beautiful blue eyes. Once the blonde was gone Lena shot Sam a look before joining them at their table. "I don't know who the fuck Madison is but she doesn't deserve that beautiful angel." Lena stated. "Maybe it's time we find out who she is Madison included." Ruby said with a smile. "It can wait till tomorrow. I'm gonna head home now." Lena said as she too left the restaurant.

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