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Wednesday morning came and Kara was once again at the coffee shop sitting outside with Alex enjoying some breakfast when Lena approached them. "Lena! Good morning!" Alex says causing Kara to turn around. "Hey Lena!" Kara greets with a smile. "Hey Kara, Alex!" Lena greeted as she took the only open seat left. "How are you?" Kara asked. "I'm good, how are you doing? Did you make it back to work yesterday afternoon on time?" Lena asked. "Oh yes, I made it back with two minutes to spare." Kara replied. Alex noticed that her sister and Lena had forgotten that she was her. However instead of being upset about it like most siblings may be, Alex just silently gets up from the table and takes her leave.

"So are you working on a new article? Or researching one?" Lena asked. "Oh well...I'm supposed to attend an art show on Friday night at the new gallery. So that should be interesting." Kara replied. "Oh that does sound interesting. I myself love art shows." Lena replied. Kara takes pause to take a long drink of her coffee before responding. "Well I do have an extra ticket....I was gonna ask..." Kara looked around to see Alex was gone. "Would you like to go with me?" Kara asked. Lena who was just now sipping her coffee almost chocked on it as she heard Kara's question.

"Sure! That sounds lovely." Lena replied with a smile. "Wonderful! I'm sorry I can't stay longer, I gotta run. But I'll see you later for lunch right?" Kara asked looking at Lena. "Of course! I'll see you at noon!" Lena replied. Kara tossed her trash out before slipping on her helmet. "See you later Lee!" Kara called as she hopped on her bike and revved the engine and peeled out into the road. "See you later Kara..." Lena whispered to the wind.

A little while later Kara sat in her office looking at the tickets for the gallery show she'd be going to with Lena on Friday night. Just as friends. Shaking her head Kara continued looking up the gallery, and before she knew it Lena was calling her from the lobby. "I'll be right there!" Kara said as she ended the call. 'Just relax Kara! It's just lunch with a friend...' Kara told herself over and over again. The elevator ride was short and Lena was standing just outside the doors with her back to the blonde. "Lee, you ok?" Kara asked. "Oh yes...I hope you like Chinese food. I had my driver stop on the way here." Lena replied. "Yes I do...give me a second...I'll be right back." Kara said as she walked over to the security desk.

Lena waited patiently for Kara to return and when she did she had something in her hands. "Here! It's a permanent guest pass." Kara explained. "Oh Kara! You didn't have to do that, but thank you." Lena replied. "I know I didn't have to, but this way if we continue having lunch here once in a while you won't have to go through security every time. And I've always wanted to see how much pull I have as one of the best reporters here...and apparently it's a lot." Kara replied with a smile. "Here let me take some of this." Kara added as she quickly grabbed the food from Lena's hands and replaced it with the laniard. "Thank you Kara." Lena replied as they got onto the elevator.

"So where's your office? Is it in the bullpen?" Lena asked. "No, Cat gave me my own office on a different floor entirely." Kara responded. "That's very nice of her." Lena replied as they walked along the hallway. "Here we are, although I should warn you it's kinda of small compared to yours." Kara explained. "That's ok." Lena replied as Kara held the door open for her. "Take a seat, I'll grab some drinks from my mini fridge." Kara said as she sat the food down on the small table in front of the small sofa.

"This is a very nice office Kara!" Lena stated as she took a seat. "Thank's I was just glad to get a window." Kara replied with a smile as she took a seat next to Lena. "Hope you're ok with coke." Kara said. "Oh yes, that's lovely." Lena replied as she realized just how close she and Kara were. "So hows work going?" Kara asked as Lena passed her a container of food. "It's going well, no meetings today thank god...what about you?" Lena asked.

Kara shrugged her shoulders. "Just been looking up the most important art work that will be on display so I know where to go when the time comes." Kara replied. "Oh? And what have you found out?" Lena asked. "Oh uh...the pieces don't have names, they're by a new up and coming artist...uh..Mia Odette is her name." Kara replied. "That sounds interesting. I look forward to going with you." Lena replied. "I'm looking forward to it as well. It'll be nice to have a friend to go to these things with and not have to drag Alex along with me." Kara replied.

Lena smiled at her as she ate her food. "Well what time should I be ready?" Lena asked. Kara quickly grabbed a slip of paper off her desk to double check the time. "It starts at seven, so as long as you're ready by six that should be good enough. Then after we can grab food, unless you like eating dry appetizers and drinking warm champagne." Kara replied. Lena chuckled at the blonde. "Oh that's the worst part of going to these types of things, it'll be the same way at the gala L Corp will be hosting next month." Lena replied.

"Do you not like hosting parties?" Kara asked. "It's not that...I guess I'm like you, I don't like having to go alone, or with Sam as my 'date'. I'd ask you to come with me but you'll probably already be there as press." Lena replied. "Oh...I'm not sure, we don't get assignments that early. But, I'll still go with you even if I am the 'press' if you want me to that is." Kara replied. Once again Lena found herself almost choking on her drink.

"Of course I'd like you to come with me, don't worry I'll even make sure that there's actually good food at the gala this year. I'll put in a request with my assistant to find the best company to cater the food." Lena says. Kara smiles at Lena causing the later's heart to skip a beat again. They remain in Kara's office for a little while longer before Kara walks Lena back downstairs to the drivers car. "Lunch tomorrow?" Lena asks. "Sounds good to me!" Kara replied with a smile. "Have a good rest of your day Kara!" Lena called out. "You too Lee!" Kara replied as she waved at her as the suv drove off.

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