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When she arrived at Alex's later that night Kara was still blushing from the kiss on the cheek. "You ok Kara?" Alex asked. "Huh? Uh...yea..." Kara replied. "Uh..uh...so how was your night?" Alex asked. "...good...Lena kissed me..." Kara blurted out. "WHAT?"  Alex asked. "Yep..on the cheek. And that was after she snapped at Madison." Kara added. "Madison was there?" Alex asked. "Yep...and Lena blew her hair back by completing me..Madison thought Lena was slumming it by being with me, and Lena blew her hair back by saying 'slumming it would be showing up here with Madison!' Oh Al! It was awesome! But I'll tell you more tomorrow...I'm here for my baby..." Kara replied. Alex laughed as she handed the truck keys over to her sister. "I'll see you in the morning!" Alex said as Kara walked off. "Yea! Mom's coming to pick you up so you won't have to take your car again." Kara replied.

Back inside Lena's penthouse she's in bed on the phone talking to Sam about her night with Kara. "Oh Sam! It was amazing! Kara's amazing! If this is what's shes like as my friend..can you imagine what she's like in an actual relationship?" Lena asked. "So? Are you gonna ask her out this weekend? On a proper date that is?" Sam asked. "Oh..I don't know...I want to...but her mom's gonna be there too...so I don't want to get on her bad side by asking her daughter out like that." Lena replied. "I understand Lena but come on ...if not tomorrow? Then when?" Sam asked. "I'm thinking that maybe I would ask her to the gala, then asking her out on a proper date then. At least I'll be able todo it somewhat privately." Lena replied.

"Hmm..that does sound better. I bet she looks hot as hell in a dress.." Sam replied. "Oh she does! Haven't you seen the picture we took together at the restaurant! She was so polite, a real gentlewoman." Lena gushed. "Well I'm glad you had fun Lena...but it's late, and we all need to be up early." Sam reminded. "Yes... I'll let you go...good night Sam." Lena replied. "Good night Lena!" Sam said. The call ended and Lena checked her socials one last time. She quickly saw that Kara had commented on it and liked it. "Great time with a great friend. Can't wait to do it again..." Lena read and reread the comment and her smile only grew.

Kara was in bed herself now after getting out of her dress, and makeup. She quickly commented on Lena's picture of them a the restaurant before relaxing in bed. "Maybe Lena isn't so bad...she didn't stand me up...maybe I should ask her out on a proper date..." Kara said to herself as she lay their in the darkness of her bedroom. Eventually sleep over took her and her subconscious began showing her images of Lena. Lena's subconscious too was letting images of Kara flood her mind as she slept.

In the morning Kara got up and did her usual exercises before going into her kitchen and making herself a protein shake. She didn't have to pack anything as Eliza and Alex would be buying the food and stuff for the camping trip, so all she had to bring is the axe, tents, kayaks, and sleeping bags and her clothing. A few minutes later Kara had everything loaded into the truck bed and was headed to get coffees and two smoothie's before heading off to pick up Lena, Sam, and Ruby.

Lena was up and ready to go. She had a nap sack full of clothes and different shoes, she even packed a few bikinis to wear for swimming and stuff. She also packed some bug spray cause well she needed it. By the time she got downstairs Kara was standing outside her truck holding a cup of coffee in her hands. "Good morning Lee! Sleep well?" Kara asked. "Good morning Kara, and yes I did. Did you?" Lena asked. "Yes, here's your coffee. Where's Sam and Ruby?" Kara asked. "They're actually pulling up now." Len said  as she looked to the car that was pulling in behind Kara's truck.

"Kara!" Ruby exclaimed happily as she ran over to her pulling her into a hug. "Hey kid! I got you a smoothie." Kara replied as they separated. "Really! Thank you!" Ruby exclaimed happily as Kara passed her the smoothie. "You didn't have to do that Kara.." Sam said. "I know...but I got you a coffee too." Kara replied. "Oh thank you! So where's your mom and Alex?" Sam asked as she looked for Alex's BMW. "They're meeting us at Alex's place. Alex and mom will be taking mom's car this time." Kara replied.

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