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"These sandwiches are good!" Ruby said. "Thank you Ruby, I made them all this morning." Kara replied. "What time did you get up?" Lena asked. "Uh...around four or so." Kara replied. "Why so early?" Sam asked. "Uh..well to do a quick work out, then make the sandwiches and stuff, then I made myself a protein shake, then showered and loaded the truck." Kara replied. "Kara always gets up early." Alex says. "Just another reason I'm single...I like to get up early and either run on the treadmill in the winter or runaround the block a few times, before going to work or going off on an adventure." Kara explained. "What do you do for adventures in the winter?" Sam asked. "Al and I go see our mom in the mountains and go snow boarding." Kara replied.

"That's soooo cool!" Ruby replied with a smile. "Where does your mom live?" Sam asked looking at Alex. "Midvale, it's about a four hour drive." Alex replied. "Oh ok." Sam replied. "Yeah, she's actually coming down next weekend to go camping with us out here." Kara said. "Out here? Like on this island?" Lena asked. "Yep." Kara replied. "You guys can come if you want too! The more the merrier right Kar?" Alex said. "Right! We can even go swimming that way Ruby! Maybe catch our own dinner." Kara suggested. "Can we mom?" Ruby asked. "Only if you finish your homework that Friday night, and only if Aunt Lena comes too." Sam said.

Ruby now looked at Lena who was taking a sip from the water bottle she has. "Uh...um...what would we be sleeping in?" Lena asked. "Tents and sleeping bags." Kara replied. "How will we get them out here?" Sam asked. "Wet bags. All our stuff will fit in them." Alex said. "Where will our stuff go?" Sam asked. "Do you have sleeping bags?" Kara asked. "Mom and I do, Aunt Lena doesn't." Ruby said. "I'll buy one before then...I'll have it shipped to my place over night." Lena replied. "Oh you don't have to! Kara has a spare." Alex said.

"Yea...it's my older one. But since it's summer it'll be ok." Kara replied. "Do you go camping in the winter?" Lena asked. "No. Only time I'm in a tent in the winter is when I'm ice fishing." Kara replied. "Yea thats the best. Remember last year when we dropped our phones in while you were trying to reel in that pike?" Alex asked teasingly. "Biggest fish I ever caught ice fishing....even if we lost our phones." Kara added with a smile. "Where did you go to do that?" Ruby asked. "Uh..wasn't that in Wyoming..." Alex said. "Yea I think so." Kara replied.

"Where else have you been Kara?" Ruby asked. "Well...last year I was in South America for a story and I went bungee jumping, I've been loads of places. Both for my job and just because I wanted to go to them." Kara replied. Kara continues to tell Ruby all about her trips to different places and what shes done in those places. Sam couldn't believe her ears. She couldn't understand how Kara was getting ghosted by women. "So? I don't understand how have you not met someone who wants to go do all these wonderful adventures with you?" Sam blurted out the question. "Sam!" Lena exclaimed smacking her arm. "It's ok...most women I try to date make excuses not to see me on our scheduled dates." Kara replied.

"It's been that way since high school and college. I even tried setting her up with one of my exes friends once...and she still stood Kara up." Alex said. "That's not nice! They don't sound like they're good people." Ruby said. "They're most definitely not Ruby. But it's ok, I'm ok traveling alone or with Alex. It means that I don't have to worry about asking someone where to eat...cause Alex and I both eat the same things generally." Kara said.

They finished up lunch and Alex and Ruby packed up the stuff while Kara walked over and slipped on her shorts leaving her tank top off before she walked back over to everyone. "You all ready?" Kara asked. "Yep! We got it all packed." Ruby replied with a smile. "Ok good, I'll take this and tie it to the kayak and we can go." Kara said. Lena watched her walk away..more precisely Lena watched Kara's back muscles move as she tied the bag on the kayak. "All set! Come on guys!" Kara called.

Everyone gathered around as they each helped get Sam and Ruby settled before getting Lena into the double kayak. "Race ya back sis?" Alex challenged. "A four way race? Sam? Ruby? Do you think you're up for it?" Kara asked. "Yes!" They both said. "Ok...Lena...you're gonna have to get in back this time." Kara said. "Ok!" Lena replied as she quickly swapped places. Kara pulled the kayak into the water before climbing in and reading herself. "ONE! TWO! THREE!" Alex yelled out as the race began. Lena let out a yelp as Kara dug the paddle into the water and began speeding through the water. "You ok?" Kara asked. "Yes! I'm ok we have to win though." Lena replied. "We will!" Kara replied as she continued paddling quickly.

A few minutes later Kara and Lena were getting out of the water as the winners of the race. "WE WON!" Lena yelled out happily. "That we did!" Kara replied. "We should have made a bet on it!" Lena added. "Oh? And what would you have bet on if we won?" Kara asked. Lena went to respond when there was a loud splash in the water. Ruby fell off the paddle board. "RUBY!"  Sam yelled. Kara waisted no time running into the water to go after her. Lena watched from the shore as Kara quickly swam over to the twelve year old and helped get her back on the board. "You ok?" Kara asked. "Yea...I just slipped." Ruby replied. "That's ok. Here I'll help get you back to shore, go ahead sit in front of me and I'll paddle us back." Kara said. Ruby did as she was told and sat in front of Kara's feet.

Alex and Sam continued their way to shore after seeing Ruby was ok. "I think Aunt Lena likes you Kara." Ruby said. "What makes you say that Ruby?" Kara asked. "Cause when you took off your shirt and shorts she was drooling." Ruby replied. "Was she now? You wanna know a secret?" Kara asked. "Yes." Ruby replied. "I think Alex likes your mom too." Kara replied. "Really? I really like Alex too!" Ruby replied. "Wanna know another secret? This one you can't tell anyone ok?" Kara replied. "Ok. What is it?" Ruby asked.  Kara took a moment to pause there ride back to shore. "I think I like Lena too. But you won't tell her right?" Kara asked. "I won't I promise!" Ruby replied. "Good. Cause I'm gonna continue playing hard to get." Kara replied.

When they arrived Ruby was laughing at something Kara said causing the adults to look at them. "What's so funny?" Sam asked. "Nothing." Ruby replied. "Oh...are you ok?" Sam asked. "Yea. I just slipped. Kara helped me get back up." Ruby replied. "Thank you Kara." Sam said. "It's ok." Kara replied as she began loading everything back onto the truck again. "Here Ruby, I have a towel you can sit on." Alex said. "Thank you Alex. I'll ride back with Kara so I don't wreck your seats." Ruby offered. Alex burst out laughing at her words. "Ruby, you have nothing to worry about. It's just a car to me. You're more than welcome to ride with me back if you want." Alex said.

Once everything was packed up Kara slipped her tank top on again and tossed the cooler in the bed of the truck. "Ready?" Kara asked looking at Lena. "Yea." Lena replied. "Where am I dropping you off?" Alex asked Sam. "Lena's. My car is there." Sam replied. "Ok!" Alex said as everyone got into the vehicles and headed out again.

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