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After lunch Kara and Lena headed downstairs again this time to Kara's truck to head to the closest furniture store. "This is mine." Kara said as they walked over to the red truck. Lena gave the large vehicle a once over with her eyes as Kara unlocked the doors. "Hop in Lena!" Kara said with a smile. Lena opened the door to see matching red interior with black stitching, she climbed up and sat in the seat before buckling up. "This is very nice." Lena said. "Thanks." Kara replied with a smile.

The ride to the furniture store was filled with music from Kara's radio and some idle chitchat. "So are you gonna get a bed for the spare room too?" Lena asked. "Probably...I mean I'll need it eventually when my mom comes to visit, or if someone needs to sleep of alcohol from a game night." Kara said. "Does that happen a lot?" Lena asked. "No, but if it does it's mostly Alex who needs a place to sleep. Winn stays sober so he can drive him and his boyfriend James home, Nia and Brainy only have a couple drinks maximum, and Maggie well she drives better drunk then she does sober." Kara explained.

"Sounds interesting." Lena replied. "Oh it is." Kara replied as they pulled into the parking lot of the furniture store. A few minutes later they were walking inside together. Kara's eyes danced around the store looking at all the new furniture. She suddenly began thinking that maybe she should buy new furniture for her apartment along with the beds. "Kara...beds are this way." Lena said. "Oh..yea.." Kara replied still looking at the sofas. "What are you thinking?" Lena asked. "Thinking I should buy all new furniture along with the two new beds." Kara replied.

"Oh? If that's what you want to do then do it." Lena replied smiling at her. "I think I will." Kara said as she sat down in a recliner. "I like this!" Kara said with a smile. "Comfortable?" Lena asked. "It is! Here sit." Kara said standing up. Lena took a seat and was amazed how comfortable it was. "You definitely need to get it! It's really comfortable!" Lena replied. "I think I'll get two of these, and that large sofa over there." Kara said pointing at a matching sectional in the corner.

After a while Kara had placed her furniture order and made sure to get it delivered as soon as possible, which for the company would be tomorrow morning. "That works!" Kara said. "We'll see you and your wife tomorrow morning!" The old man said. "She's just my friend!" Kara stated. "Oh...gosh I'm sorry." He replied. "It's ok. I'll see you tomorrow morning!" Kara replied.

Once they were finished Kara and Lena returned to Kara's new place. "That was fun, and by this time tomorrow you'll have an apartment full of new furniture." Lena said. "Yea, I can't wait." Kara replied as they walked into the apartment. "Looks better in here with the other stuff unpacked." Lena added. "Yea it does. Thanks for the help by the way." Kara said. "Anytime." Lena replied. They stood there looking at each other in a comfortable silence.

"Well...I'm gonna get going I suppose. Call me if you need any help arranging the future or anything." Lena said. "Uh..yea..you're still coming to game night Friday night right?" Kara asked. "Of course! Wouldn't miss it!" Lena replied with a smile. "Ok...just checking...I'll uh...see you later..." Kara said. "Right...see you later Kara." Lena said with a smile as she walked out of the apartment.

As she walked to her car she began thinking of what her next step should be in wooing Kara. "I could make a move on Friday night..." She said to herself as she got into her vehicle. Back up in her apartment Kara is just now getting into a hot shower and washing off the sweat and grime she got covered in while moving stuff.

"Shit!" Lena exclaimed as she realized she left her purse in Kara's apartment. She quickly turned around and headed back. Meanwhile Kara is just now getting dressed again, this time in a pair of gym shorts and a sports bra. Lena parks her car and heads inside the building once again. Kara grabs some painters tape and begins marking the boundaries around her living room when theres a knock on her door. "Coming!" Kara calls as she walks over to the door. She yanks it open to see Lena standing there. "Lena? Everything ok?" Kara asked. Lena however has her eyes suddenly glued to Kara's abs. "Lena?" Kara asked again pulling Lena out of her thoughts. "I...uh...left my purse here by accident...I'm sorry for interrupting." Lena said.

"You weren't interrupting anything. I was just taping around the walls so I can paint tomorrow afternoon thats all." Kara replied. "Oh...right...anyway...theres my purse...so I'll be going again now..." Lena stammered. "Ok, Lena. Have a good rest of your day." Kara replied. "If you want help painting tomorrow...I'm available...to help...paint...." Lena replied. "I'll keep that in mind" Kara replied as Lena left again.

"FUUUUUUCK!" Lena yelled inside her car as she drove home. "God! She's ripped! There's definitely no way she's interested in me!" Lena said to herself.

Back inside Kara's apartment...a different scene was happening. "Oh shit! She's gay...what do I do? She's just gonna ghost me like everyone else does...GOD! Why can't I find someone who wants to be with me for me? Is that too much to ask?" Kara groaned.

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