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Saturday! Kara would be moving in to her new place today! She was very excited about it too! Between her and Alex everything was in their vehicles. "Got the key?" Alex asked. "Yes! Let's go Al!" Kara exclaimed happily as she hopped into her truck. It had been four days since she saw Lena last and no it's not because she's been avoiding her or anything. Ok maybe she has been. She's been going to the coffee shop earlier and earlier and leaving just as Lena appeared in her car. She kept telling herself she was letting Lena get too close to her and it would only hurt in the end when Lena ghosted her. So she had began to distance herself from the raven haired CEO.

A short drive later and Kara and Alex were unloading everything into Kara's new apartment. "It's so....white!" Alex said. "I know! But I've got permission to paint it however I desire! So you know what that means! A trip to the hardware store!" Kara exclaimed happily. "You are the only person I know who gets excited about painting walls!" Alex groaned. "Hey! It's fun! And...it's a good excuse not to see her." Kara added softly. "She's not like the rest of those bitches Kar! Lena genuinely likes you! I mean she took you to lunch, and helped you pack your crap! I think she likes you! Give her a chance Kara, allow her to prove to you that she's different." Alex said. Kara rolled her eyes at her sister. "Fine! She'll get once chance." Kara replied as they began unloading Kara's stuff.

A few hours later everything was up inside Kara's apartment. "I can't believe you broke my bed!" Kara groaned. "It slipped! And you needed a new one anyways!" Alex said. "Ugh...just order the pizza already while I start unpacking the dishes." Kara grumbled as she grabbed a cardboard box and headed to the kitchen. Alex ordered two large pizzas quickly before helping Kara unpack the dishes.

Thirty minutes later there was a knock on Kara's door. Alex walked over to answer it only to be shocked at who stood on the other side. "Lena?" Alex asked. "Hi! Alex..right?" Lena said. "Yea, thats me. What brings you here?" Alex asked. "Kara said she'd be moving in today so I thought I'd come by and offer some help with the unpacking...is she here?" Lena asked looking behind Alex. "Uh...yea..shes in th..." Alex was cut off by a sweaty Kara rounding the corner. "Alex...is that the pi...Lena? What are you doing here?" Kara asked. "I was just telling your sister here that I thought I'd come by and offer to help you unpack...if you like of course!" Lena replied.

Kara was shocked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing coming from the CEO's mouth. "Uh...yea..you can help..." Kara stammered. "Ok! Brilliant! Where do I start?" Lena asked beaming at the blonde. Alex's eyes were playing tennis as she looked from Lena to her sister and back again. 'Such useless lesbians..' Alex scoffed to herself. "I'm just starting in the kitchen, so I guess you can help there if you want." Kara replied. Like a puppy Lena followed Kara into the kitchen leaving Alex alone in the living room.

Alex slowly unpacked one box before she got the thought to fake a phone call from work. "Yea...ok! I'll be right there!" Alex said. "Alex? Everything ok?" Kara asked. "No..I've got to go into work...sorry." Alex replied. "Oh that sucks! You'll miss the pizza." Kara said. "Ah well...I'm sure there will be more times for us to have pizza...like on game night next week." Alex said. "Right...." Kara replied. "Anyway...see you two later." Alex said as she quickly left the apartment.

Kara returned to the kitchen and continued unpacking her dishes with Lena. "You have a lot of unique cups." Lena said. "Oh yea..." Kara replied. "I think it's nice." Lena replied with a smile. 'Knock! Knock!' "That'll be the food! I hope you're hungry Lena!" Kara said as she walked out of the kitchen. A minute later Kara returned with a large pizza box in her arms. "Do you have anything to drink?" Lena asked. "Yea there's some water bottles in the cooler over there. The fridge is still cooling down." Kara replied.

Lena grabbed two waters and joined Kara on her balcony. "Here you go." Lena said as she passed Kara a bottle. "Thanks!" Kara replied with a smile. "You have a great view here!" Lena said. Kara grabbed the end of her tank top pulling it up to wipe the sweat off her forehead. "Uh yea..thats why I chose it." Kara said. Lena glanced her way and her faced flushed as her eyes locked onto Kara's rock hard abs.

Kara pulled her tank top down again and picked up a slice of pizza. "So did you change your mind on bringing your bed?" Lena asked. "No...Alex dropped it on the way up here...so I've got to get a new one." Kara explained. Lena began laughing. "It's not funny...I really liked that bed." Kara replied. "I'm sure it's fine..where did she drop it?" Lena asked curiosity taking over. "In the stairwell...we decided it'd be easier to take it up there since it wouldn't fit into the elevator. And it was going good till it slipped and plummeted back down..one of the legs split the mattress in half..." Kara grumbled.

Again Lena laughed out loud. "If you want to we can go get you one now and have it delivered professionally this time." Lena suggested. Kara took time to think on it before agreeing to Lena's suggestion. 'Give her a chance.' Alex's words bounced in her head. "But first pizza! Then the bed." Kara replied. "Works for me!" Lena replied smiling at her.

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