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Kara returned to Cat Co and immediately began typing up the article. The words seemed to just flow from her finger tips. It was really easy to write good things about Lena Luthor and her company. The technology her company is working on is going to be used for lifesaving purposes everywhere. It wasn't long till she had it finished the draft and sent it via email to Lena to have her approval of it.

After it was sent Kara ordered herself a double order of potstickers and a large chocolate milkshake to be delivered to her office. She spun around in her chair and looked out over the city and smiled to herself. "Another Pulitzer Prize here I come." Kara says to herself. The knock on her door alerts her to the fact that her food has arrived. She gets up and opens the door to see a young delivery boy with her order. "Thanks!" Kara replies with a smile before shutting the door again.

Food in hand she walks to her desk again sitting down agains she dives into her food only to have her cellphone to begin ringing. "Kara Danvers!" She answered the call. "Hello Miss Danvers! This is Lena Luthor, I didn't think an email would be good enough so I decided to call you and tell you that you may publish the article. It looks wonderful. Thank you for writing such a decent article about my company." Lena replies. "You're welcome Miss Luthor. Have a good day." Kara replies. Before Lena can ask if she'd like to have lunch with her Kara ends the call.

"Damn it!" Lena scoffs to herself as she puts her phone down on her desk. "Miss Luthor...I've found out some information." Jess said. "Good, let me see it." Lena says her eyes wide with interest. Jess puts the pile of paperwork on her desk before leaving the office again. Lena dives into the paperwork and quickly finds Kara's social media accounts, and decides to dive deeper into that first. Pulling out her phone once again she opens Instagram and finds Kara's account with ease, only one problem it's set to private. 'Would it be weird if I requested to follow her?' Lena asks herself.

Meanwhile Kara was finishing up her lunch after sending her article to her boss for publishing. She just sat back in her chair and shut her eyes when her phone dinged with notifications. She picked up the phone to see she had a few notifications from her various social media accounts. Opening one app she sees that she has a request for a follow on instagram from an L_CEO. 'Huh? Stalker much?' Kara asks herself laughing to herself as she accepts and follows back. 'And a friend request? Huh...fine...' Kara scoffs to herself as she accepts the request.

Back inside L Corp, Lena is smiling to herself at this small win for herself. Lena goes through the photos and sees that Kara has a few friends and apparently a sister named Alex. 'Hmmm?' Lena says to herself as she clicks on one video only to see it's Kara singing karaoke at some bar. Lena smiles to herself as she listens to the song that the blonde is singing. After the video ends Lena continues to look at the images on Kara's Facebook and instagram making sure not to accidentally like anything.

Back at Cat Co Kara is heading out of her office for the day. "Good job today Danvers! This will be in the next magazine." Her boss said. "Thanks Snapper." Kara replied with a smile as she heads to the elevator. Once in the parking garage Kara walks to her motorcycle and gets on starting it up and driving out of the building. The trip to her apartment is short and she pulls into the parking lot and walks inside. She locked her door before kicking off her shoes and heading into the kitchen to grab a drink.

Lena is still in the middle of looking over Kara's information when she finds her address. '247 Super St. Apartment 6B' "Rent controlled side of town...ok...nothing wrong with that." Lena says to herself as she continued to look over everything Jess found on Kara. So far she knows where she works, where she lives, her number, has access to her social media accounts and now can look at everything she has on them.

"My beautiful girlfriend and me at the beach!" One description says on an older photo. Lena looks at it and feels a hint of jealousy bubbling up inside her. However the next post is how they broke up after getting home. Lena digs a little  deeper and finds that Kara's only had seven real relationships in her life. Lena begins to make notes on the blonde so she knows how to woo her when the time comes.

Back inside Kara's apartment Alex has just arrived with pizza and wine to enjoy their sister night. "So how'd the interview go?" Alex asked. "Good. You'll never guess what happened!" Kara exclaimed. "What?" Alex asked. "Luthor is the same girl from Noonan's!" Kara says. "WHAT!?!? Was she mad at you for yelling at her?" Alex asked. "Maybe at first but I apologized to her and she thanked me for writing a nice article about her company...so I guess it's all good." Kara replied. "That's good, what else happened?" Alex asked as she passed Kara a glass of wine. "She followed me on Instagram and added me on Facebook too, which was a little weird but I don't think she's a serial killer or anything." Kara replied.

Alex smirks at her before speaking. "Maybe she's got a crush on you Kar!" Alex says. "Ha! Doubt it." Kara replies. "You never know...I mean she's already found your socials and called you to personally thank you...I mean come on! She even accepted your apology for thinking she was one of that whore's friends." Alex added. "True...but I don't think she'll be interested in me that way...I mean come on Alex, I'm just a reporter who lives on the rent control side of town." Kara replied. "Only because you can't move into the new apartment till Saturday." Alex says. Kara rolls her eyes at her sister as she bites her pizza.

A few hours later Lena is in her car driving home for the evening, except this time she makes a turn to head to the rent controlled side of town. She'll admit she's curious, she wants to see where Kara lives and all. She notices the building and also sees a redheaded woman walking out of it with the familiar blonde following her. "See you later Kar!" Lena hears the redhead say. "See you Friday Alex!" She hears Kara reply as they quickly hug before 'Alex' gets in a black car and drives away. 'The sister...' Lena says to herself as she turns her car around and goes back to her penthouse.

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