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"Can you get down please?" Kara asked. "Oh..yea..sorry." Lena replied as she climbed down off of Kara. "It's ok...so you came over here to tell me that you love me?" Kara asked. "Well that..and to make sure you know that I'm not just with you to travel...ya see...Alex told Sam...who told me what you were thinking...and I decided to come here to tell you that I love you....and to tell you what I was really thinking..but was too nervous to talk to you about." Lena rambled. Kara started chuckling. "You are very cute when you're rambling...you know that..so..uh what did you want to talk to me about?" Kara asked. Before Lena could answer however there was a knock on the door alerting them to the food.

Kara grabbed the pizza and thanked the guy before shutting and locking the door. "So? You wanted to talk to me about something?" Kara asked. "Yes...uh...ya see...I've been thinking about this..for a while now...and we don't have to do anything now..but I was just wondering if would you like to get a place together?" Lena asked. That was not what Kara was expecting to hear. "Uh..how long have you been thinking on this?" Kara asked. "Uh...for a while now...but like I said...we don't need to rush anything." Lena replied.

"Uh ok...we can do that...but...woudl it be ok if we waited till after Milan?" Kara asked as she pulled out a slice of pizza. "Yes! Of course it can!" Lena replied happily. "Ok. Well sit and I'll grab..." Kara went to say. "I'll get the drinks!" Lena exclaimed cutting Kara off as she ran into the kitchen only to return with two bottles of beer a second later and joining Kara on the sofa. "I'm so glad I got that off of my chest. I was so nervous...thats why I didn't talk all the way back here. I was in my head...I was picturing all the ways you'd say no to moving in together." Lena explained.

Kara took a swig of her beer before turning her attention to Lena. "Next time something like that is on your mind, please just talk to me about it. Don't go all silent treatment on me." Kara said. "I promise." Lena replied. "Good..now..was there anything else on your mind?" Kara asked. "Uh...yea..actually there is." Lena replied. "Ok? What is it?" Kara asked. "Well I was wondering..if you'd like to come back to mine..tonight?" Lena asked.

"Hmm? Would I have to make breakfast in the morning too?" Kara asked. "Probably...and you may have to take me into work too." Lena said. "All that..hmm..I don't know...that sounds like a lot.." Kara teased. "Kara! You are a pain in my ass!" Lena groaned as she swatted her arm playfully. "Yea.. but you love me." Kara replied. "Yes I do. I love all of you." Lena said as she leaned into the blonde who quickly wrapped an arm around her.

They remained like that till Kara got up to pack a bag so that they could go to Lena's for the night. "Come on love..my truck awaits." Kara said as she held open the passenger door for her. "Ever the gentle woman.." Lena replied as she climbed inside. Once Kara was inside they headed up to Lena's place, once again Kara held open Lena's door and helped her out. "Did you get everything put inside your storage unit?" Lena asked. "Yes, I did it right after I returned home." Kara replied as the walked into the building.

"Oh? Wow...so how full is the storage unit?" Lena asked. "It's uh less full now. I moved all my fall and winter stuff into my apartment today too." Kara replied. "Oh alright. What all do you have in there?" Lena asked as the rode in the elevator. "In my apartment or storage unit?" Kara asked. "Both?" Lena asked as she grabbed her key and opened her door. "Uh...my kayaks, paddle boards, life jackets, mountain bikes, and snorkeling gear are in the storage unit. My snow suits, snowboards, snow shoes, all that stuff is in my apartment now." Kara replied as she put her bag down.

"Wow! That's a lot of stuff." Lena said as she wrapped her arms around Kara's waist pulling her flush against her chest. "Yea..well I told you I'm very into outdoor activities." Kara said. "So...will I be invited to come on these winter adventures?" Lena asked. "Well...only if you want to come along...I won't force you into coming with me...but since you want to live together..you'll know all about the adventures long before Alex does...so you can decide on what you want to go on." Kara whispered. Lena leaned in the rest of the way and kissed her slowly.

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