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It's Monday morning and today Kara is standing in the coffee shop once again getting coffee before going to work. "You ready for today?" Her sister Alex asks. "Oh yea...gotta interview some CEO..." Kara replied. "Relax Kar...just because Maddison sent a friend to your date..don't take it out on me." Alex groaned. Kara rolled her eyes at her older sister. "I know...but it's still fucking frustrating! If she wasn't interested in dating me then why ask me out in the first place!" Kara groaned as she grabbed her bag.

"I'm gonna go now but you go into that interview and you be that Pulitzer award winning reporter I know you are!  And hey if it goes bad I'll be here later for sister's night." Alex replied as she hopped on her motorcycle. "See you later Al." Kara said as she took climbed on her motorcycle and headed towards Cat Co. Upon arriving shes' handed a stack of papers with all the information she needs on L Corp's CEO.

Siting at her desk she quickly goes over it taking notes of questions she'd ask she checks her clock to see she's got ten minutes to get to L Corp. Sighing to herself she grabs her bag and heads for the exit. Inside the elevator she quickly goes over her notes once more before she gets on her motorcycle. Her grey helmet under her arm as she walks over to her red bike. The ride to L Corp is quick and she easily finds a parking spot far away from everyone else. Call her cautious but if anyone would ever bump her classic Indian Scout motorcycle Kara Danvers would go from calm reporter to serial killer in no time. The bike is her baby.

"Ok let's do this thing Danvers." She says to herself as she takes off her helmet causing her braided hair to shake loose as she does. The walk to the entrance is short but it gives Kara enough time to calm her nerves. "How can I help you?" A woman asks from where she sits behind a large desk. "Kara Danvers from Cat Co. here to do an interview with Miss Luthor." Kara says. "Of course! Right this way." The woman says as she leads Kara to an elevator. "This is Miss Luthor's own private elevator it'll take you directly to her floor, from there go see her assistant Jess for further instructions." The woman says. "Got it. Thanks." Kara says as she steps onto the elevator.

"Would you like me to take your helmet?" The woman asked. "No thank you!" Kara said as the doors closed. The ride is short but soon enough she's walking out of the elevator. 'That must be Jess...' She says to herself as she walks over to a small desk. "Can I help you?" The woman asked. "Kara Danvers, reporter from Cat Co. here to do an interview with Miss Luthor." Kara says. "Ah of course. Miss Luthor is still in a meeting right now but you can wait in her office." Jess said. Kara nods as the woman leads the way to said office.

Kara takes the scantly decorated office as she takes a set on the sofa. 'It's too fucking white. God does this woman not have a sense of style? I mean come on would some color hurt...' Kara says to herself as she readies her notepad and pen to ask the CEO questions. She stands as she hears the sound of people talking outside the office. "Miss Danvers is in your office." Jess says. "Ah the reporter yes. Ok. Thank you Jess." Lena replies. "You're welcome Miss Luthor." Jess replies. Kara stands with notebook ready to write down notes when Lena walks inside.

Green eyes meet blue ones and both women remain silent as memories of their first interaction floods their mind. "You!" Lena scoffs. "You're one to talk..." Kara snips. "Did you even know who I was that night?" Lena asks. "If I had I wouldn't have said anything. However I had no idea who you were. But in my defense you did show up after Id' been sitting in the same spot for a while...I should apologize for considering you are one of her friends...so sorry..now can we get started on this interview?" Kara says.

Lena looks at her face looking for a sign of emotion from the blonde, however she doesn't see any. "Take a seat and we'll get started." Lena said motioning for Kara to sit down again. "So this new technology your company is working on, what exactly will it be used for?" Kara asks. Lena has to admit she likes the blondes boldness in asking the difficult questions first. She quickly answers question after question and before she knows it the blonde is packing her things up and grabbing a grey helmet off the floor. "Motorcycle?" Lena asked. "Indian Scout." Kara replied. "Madison must love that." Lena snickers. "Wouldn't know haven't heard from her since Friday nor have I tried to reach out." Kara states. "Well I'm sure your next girlfriend will like it." Lena says. "Don't know. Don't really care to find out." Kara snips. "How come? If you don't mind me asking." Lena says. "Not really in a mood to try to find someone who'll just ghost me after requesting a date." Kara sneers.

"Hard ball I see." Lena replies. "Yep. Anyhow this is my card. I'll be sending you a copy of the article. You may contact me if you have anything you want to change or remove from it. In the meantime I've got work to do...so have a good day Miss Luthor." Kara states as she walks out of the office rounding the corner before taking the elevator back down to the parking lot. Lena stares out her window and sees the blonde in the grey helmet flying down the street on a red Indian Scout. "Jess!" Lena calls for her assistant. "Yes Miss Luthor?" Jess replies. "Get me all the information you can on Kara Danvers." Lena states. "Everything?" Jess asks hesitantly. "Yes! Everything! Where she was born, where she went to school, past relationships, everything!" Lena demands. "Yes Miss Luthor. I'll have it by the end of the day." Jess replied as she scurried off to her desk again.

'Kara Danvers...I will find out what lies behind those blue eyes....and when I do...well I'll find a way to make you mine....no more ghosting women...no more being stood up...no! I will woo you till you give in to my charms....' Lena says to herself.

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