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Once Lena got home she began planning a way to get to know Kara better. She thought of maybe taking her to lunch after tomorrow but that would be awkward only because she wouldn't have a reason to ask her to lunch. "But lunch would work...after the magazine is publishing. Then it wouldn't be so awkward. And it can be my way of thanking her for the article again." Lena said to herself as she readied for bed.

Meanwhile Kara is sitting up in bed posting the selfies she and Alex took during their sister's night. After the pictures uploaded she put her phone on the charger and went to bed. Not realizing that across town Lena Luthor was busy liking said pictures before she took went to bed.

Tuesday morning came with a start for both women. Kara was standing in line at the coffee shop when the door opened up and Lena walked in. "Next!" The barista called out. "I'll have a double pump mocha iced latte with caramel drizzle, and two of the strawberry frosted doughnuts." Kara said. Lena listened to the blondes order and prepared to make her own order. "Next!" The other barista called. "One large black coffee." Lena said.

Kara was texting someone on her phone and not paying attention to the fact that Lena was paying for her coffee and doughnuts. "Order up!" The barista said. Kara grabbed her wallet and went to pay. "It's been taken care of." The barista said. "Oh...um ok..." Kara said as she grabbed her stuff and left the building. She was early for work so she decided to sit at an outside table and drink her coffee before getting on her bike. A few seconds later Lena emerged from the building and saw Kara seated at a small table.

"Ah good morning Miss Danvers!" Lena greeted. Kara's eyes snapped up to see Lena standing there. "Good morning Miss Luthor! You can sit if you want." Kara replied politely. "How was work yesterday?" Lena asked as she took the seat opposite her. "It went good...not a lot of hard hitting news going on right now. What about you?" Kara asked. "It was alright. I met a few investors, some boring meeting stuff happened then I went home." Lena replied. "Doughnut? Someone paid for me..." Kara said. "No thank you. I'm not a strawberry frosting." Lena politely declined. "I can get you something you do like..." Kara offered. "Oh no thank you. I'm not much of a breakfast eater." Lena replied.

They continued making idle chitchat till Kara's coffee was empty. "Well it was nice talking to you Miss Luthor, but I've got to get to work...so I'll see you!" Kara said with a smile. "Call me Lena!" Lena said. Kara paused putting her helmet on and examined the situation. "If I'm calling you Lena...." Kara began. "Kara it is...have a good day Kara!" Lena said with bright smile. "You too Lena!" Kara replied as she pulled her helmet on and started her motorcycle up.

Lena watched as the woman in black jeans and black leather jacket with black shiny boots pulled away from the coffee shop. 'Can you be any more perfect?' Lena asked herself as she walked towards her personal suv and drove to L Corp. Kara arrived at work a few minutes later and here straight to her office. "Danvers! You're gonna be at the opening of the children's hospital! It starts at noon so you'll be having an extra long lunch break because of it so you can go home after that and work." Snapper said. "Of course sir!" Kara said.

Back inside L Corp Lena was going over her speech for the umpteenth time that morning. She wanted...no needed it to be absolutely perfect. Especially with the amount of preset that would be there. 'Will Kara be there?' She wondered. "How's the speech coming?" Sam asked as she walked into her office. "It's coming. Do you know which press is gonna be there?" Lena asked. "I heard Cat Co is sending someone along with several other press members from various newspaper, but Cat Co is the biggest name. Why? Hoping to see a certain blonde again?" Sam asked.

"What? No! Of course not!....yes fine I am. I actually ran into her at the coffee shop this morning. I paid for her coffee and strawberry frosted donuts." Lena replied. "So you know her order and you paid for it! Look at you go Luthor! You're one step closer to marrying her and having her babies!" Sam teased. "Hardy har har Sam! She has a sister you know." Lena said. "Really? Do you have pics of her?" Sam asked. "Here look. She's all over her instagram and facebook. The latest ones are from their sister night last night." Lena explained as Sam scrolled through her phone.

"Damn! She's gorgeous!" Sam exclaimed. "Her name's Alex." Lena replied. "Alex...." Sam let the name roll around on her tongue for a moment. "I'm gonna ask Kara to lunch after the magazine is published...sooner if she comes to the hospital opening." Lena said. "Maybe her hot sister will be there too." Sam replied. "Doubt it. She's not in journalism. I've searched her. She works for the FBI field agent. She drives a black BMW, but in her instagram she has a motorcycle pictured too. Same as Kara's expect hers is black." Lena explained. "Does Kara have a four wheel vehicle too?" Sam asked. "Yes. She has a ford F250 4x4. It's red too, tinted windows. And she goes kayaking, hiking, and she's well traveled too. I like that about her." Lena replied.

"Sounds like she'd get you out of your comfort zone!" Sam replied with a smile. "Ha! I have a lot of work to get her to even be my friend. She's had too many woman ghost her and leave her after a week of dating for me to pounce." Lena replied. "Really? Women ghost her? Are they mental?" Sam replied. "Apparently so, thats why I'm gonna go slow about this...I've got to woo Kara Danvers..make her realize that I am the perfect woman for her in every sense of the word." Lena said. "Understandable. While you're doing that...I'm gonna get into Alex's pants..." Sam replied smirking. "You do that...now back to our speeches." Lena said.

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