two | ristretto

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beep beep beep. beep beep beep. beep beep beep beep.

ringback tone.


"Hello hello!"

"Hi...was it Marcus?"




"I feel like a creep now, Ian. I've already memorized your name, and you aren't even close to mine. Thanks."


"You're getting warmer."






"I've been told that I look like an Emmett, but no."


"It's Elliot, Ian. Elliot Marks. Pleased to meet you - again."

"I knew that. I was just testing you."

"Testing me on what? The knowledge of my own name?"


"Uh huh. So you called."

"That's right."

"I honestly didn't expect this to work."

"I was very bored. Don't read into it, Marks."


"Don't you have friends or something to hang out with? A girlfriend? Why call up lil' old me?"



"That came out wrong. Sorry. I'm actually happy you called."

"Why is that?"

"I'm really bored too."

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