eleven | vienna

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"Did Valerie set you up with Imogen?"

"You know her? Imogen?"

"Eh. She hangs out with Valerie sometimes."

"How is she? Is she nice?"

"She's cute, kinda like Valerie's opposite. She's way more introverted."

"Uh huh..."


"She's cute?"

"Sure. So, umm, we'll pick you up and go to the fair at 8 o' clock sharp tomorrow. Don't forget, Ianora!"

"Mhhmm. Bye Elliot."


ima put up a picture of valerie and imogen in the next chapter bc they're not importo. but you guys can keep imagining ellie and ianora all you want (and the other two of course lol but i'll help you out with the pictures)

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