six | black eye

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ringback tone.


"Hey, Elli-"

"Just kidding, this is my voicemail. Or is it? You'll never know, until you hear the beep. Beeeeeeeeeep. Kidding again. Here's the real beep."


"I...never mind."


okok bc i don't want you guys to be picturing shadows as my characters (and i kinda am sometimes too oops):

Elliot has pitch black hair that's fluffy but not curly. He's also kinda tan, while Ian is super pale. Ian has dyed whitish blonde hair; you could see the brown hair growing from his roots. It's up in a quiff (i have an obsession with guys and quiffs nowadays what's wrong with me).

(edit: Elliot has those hipster black rimmed glasses bc he's basic af)

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