fourteen | cappuccino

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"So, where do you wanna go?"

"I dunno. I feel weird ditching Ian when we invited him here."

"It's okay; he's a big boy. And Imogen is a big girl. They got it."


"But we can go back to them if you want."

"No it's okay."

"You sure?"

"Yep. Let's go have fun!"

Later, at the balloon dart game...

"I just kicked some Valerie ass right there."

"If you consider those measly five balloons as an achievement, think again. I got twenty-five."

"No way. Aren't there thirty balloons?"

"Five away from that, I was."


"Naaa naaa na naaa naaaa."


"What? I won!"

"Well I lost!"

"Um Elliot. That's not a good thing."

"Um Val. I don't even care."

"Eugh. Val sounds like one of my dad's friends. I think he is one."

"Not a good thing?"

"Not a good thing. Not. At. All."

"Is it cool for me to ask about it?"

"Haha; that's cute. Yeah it's cool. My dad's not the best father figure. He gambles...a bit. And smokes. I'm surprised he isn't six feet under yet."

"Dammit I'm crying now."


"Thanks Elliot."

"I've learned from someone that hugs make lots of things better."

"Haha, aw. When did you go all soft on me?"

"I began to get more and more of those orgasmic hugs."

"Damn. I want to meet this hug genius."

"He's pretty amazing."



and yes that cappuccino art was very necessary

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