ten | café au lait

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"Who is this?"

"Valerie. Are you Ian?"


"Yes. Why do you call?"

"I just want to get to know my boyfriend's best friend. He talks about you forever! You seem super cool; we should hang out sometime. Oh! The three of us could go to that fair that's coming up next week!"

"That actually sounds fantastic. Thank you Valerie."

"No prob. You should bring your special someone. It'll be a double date! Haha; I've always wanted to do one of those."

"I-I don't really have someone at the moment."

"We'll fix that. What's your type?"

"Guys - crap - girls with black hair and those hipster glasses who are super goofy and stuff. And if they have pale skin, game over."

"Might as well just hand Elliot over to you, huh? Haha!"


"Anyway, I have a friend exactly like that. Her name's Imogen. You'll love her, I swear."



"Eek! This is so much fun! I'll go tell Elliot about the fair thing. It was super nice talking to you!"

"Same. Bye!"



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