four | coffee ice cubes

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"It's empty today."

"Thanks, Captain Obvious."

"What's with the void?"

"I dunno; maybe 'cause I was too hot. I might've hotted them away."





"Remind me why we're friends."

"You love me, obviously."

"Uh huh."

"Can I take that as a yes?"

"Sure, but only if you won't bug me about it."


"You know me so well already Ian."

"See, that's why we're friends."


"So, are you ordering?"

"I'll just have a cold cup of almond milk. Oh, and with coffee ice cubes please."

"Damn that sounds refreshing."

"Yeah; I just came back from running, so I need this caffeine and ahhness."

"You blame me for hotted and you say ahhness?"

"Elliot, it just sounds better when I say these things. Accept it."

"Humph. Unfair."

clink clink.

"You're lucky I don't give you expired, non-fat milk."


"Mhhmm. I have the power. Who's all high and mighty now?"


"You wouldn't."

"Here you go! Thank you for stopping by Marina's!"


"Is a very hot male specimen? Wow, thanks Ian! Although I didn't need to be told."


door slams.

"Oh come on!"



"Ian Durrell!"



"Are you gone?"


"You were gonna get a special hug from me, but you just blew it honey buns!"

"C'mon, aren't you gonna fight me on that?"

"Yup, he's gone."

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