twenty five | antoccino

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knock knock knock.

"Elliot, you flipping mess. Why are you here! Go away! I'm not opening this door."

"It's not Elliot. I'm Ellie."

"Shut up. I don't want to make this harder for us."

"Ianora, let me in."

"Said the wolf to the pigs."

"No, the wolf said, 'I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!'. And I'm not a wolf, and you're not a pig."

"Then again I will huff and puff and blow your house down if you don't open up."


Ian locks the latch, and opens the door.


"What did you come here to say?"

"Wait, hold on. I have a gift for you."

Elliot holds up a to-go coffee cup.

"Iced mocha. No whip."

"An iced mocha? It's probably below zero rig - ohh. Oh. Um, thank you. I can't believe you remembered."

"How could I ever? That day changed my life. I'll never forget."

"Ew cheesy."

Elliot pulls out a cheese stick.

"And there will be more cheese if you don't let me in."

"Nuh uh. Say what you want from there."

"Fine. Ian, you're the sweetest person I've ever met."

Elliot pulls out a bag of candy from his bag.

"You're so hot, you've even hotted me away once or twice."

Elliot pulls out a bag of Hot Cheetos.

"You're so fucking funny, being the awkward turtle you are."

Elliot pulls out Laffy Taffy.

"And you're a ton of adjectives more, but I'm not Hermione, and I don't have a bag that fits everything. But there's one thing that I have to give you that's not in my bag. My heart."

"I saw that one coming from a mile away. And you're bribing me with food, this is really not fair."

"Cheese stick. I warned you."

"Well I don't have a cheese stick, but I'll tell you this. I've liked you for a while, so much that it physically hurt. I love your smile, and the way you light up every room you walk into. To be honest, I love you."

"And you're kinda hot, so that's a plus."

Elliot blushes.

"Can you open up now?"

"No, because I don't want you to get hurt."


"Your dad."

"Ian, I don't care about what my dad thinks. I don't care if I have to live with mom and Jasmine in order to be with you; I just want to be with you."

"Shit, that was cute."

"I know."

"I can't Elliot. It'd kill me if I knew that I was the one screwing up your life and family."

"My family's already screwed up, and you in my life will heal that gaping hole that they left in my heart."

"C'mon, at least unlatch the door."

With a sigh, Ian unlatches the door. Elliot smirks, placing his gifts on the ground and cupping Ian's face. Their lips are mere centimeters away from each other.

"I love you."

"Why are you so hot."

They kiss, and it's gentle, caring, every touch being with absolute love.

"This really isn't fair."

"But then again, you love it."


"Okay maybe I do."


...and then they frickle frackle and live happily ever after :D

(epilogue is next! thanks you all for reading and supporting Honestly Banality!)

(and maybe no frickle frackle yet because they gotta eat that food first priorities amirite)

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