sixteen | chai latte

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"There's my favorite customer."

"I'm flattered. You got time?"

"Um...five more minutes. I can't end my shift early or Marina will have my head."

"For a coffee lady she seems pretty brutal."

"That's what I thought at first. I always thought of baristas as nice, loving people that hug you and smell of cinnamon chai lattes."

"I always thought they just smelled of just coffee beans?"

"Cinnamon chai lattes are my favorites though. I believe a chai latte was my first coffee drink ever."

"Really? That's cool. Can I get one then? A cinnamon chai latte?"



"Kidding; this one's on the house."

"Oh no it isn't. Take my money."


"Fine. I'm putting it in the tips jar. And I see Marina over there, so I don't think you should try to take the money out."


"Oh shut up."


ehhhhhhh sorry for the late update and not so great chapter

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