Bound together

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Hey, amazing readers! ✨
Please vote and comment on your favourite part of the chapter. Also the next chapter will have too many get ready
Keep an eye out for a surprising twist and some unexpected teamwork. Enjoy the ride! 😉


6 July 2024

Today has left me with a whirlwind of emotions that I can hardly sort out. Anirudh told me he's ready to give our marriage a real chance. Everytime I've felt like a secondary character in his life, just a means to an end, a strategic move in his grand plan. But today, his words caught me off guard.

When he said, "I want to spend my life with you and only you." I felt a surge of hope, mingled with confusion and fear. My heart skipped a beat, longing to believe that he truly meant it. Yet, a part of me remains skeptical. Why now? What has changed?


Sunlight filters through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the art studio. Canvases, easels, and paint supplies are scattered around the room. Avika stands before a large canvas, her brush moving in smooth, deliberate strokes. Her expression is thoughtful, her eyes occasionally flicking to a photograph of Anirudh propped up nearby.

In the photograph, Anirudh is smiling warmly, his eyes soft and kind. It's a rare, candid shot that captures the tenderness he often hides from the world. Avika's brush glides over the canvas, capturing his gentle features with care.

She dips her brush into the paint, her movements almost instinctive. Her thoughts drift back to their last evening together, remembering the way he held her close and whispered sweet words in her ear. His warmth still lingers, even in his absence.

"When can I fully know you Anirudh ?"

Her strokes become more fluid, her hand guided by the love she feels for him. She paints the curve of his smile, the softness in his eyes, the way his hair falls just so. Each detail brings him closer, as if he might step out of the canvas and into the room.

"I love you Anirudh."

She steps back to look at her work, seeing Anirudh's face come to life on the canvas. His eyes, warm and inviting, seem to look right back at her, offering comfort and reassurance. She smiled softly as if she is smiling to him.

"There you are."

She sets her brush down, continuing smiling. The painting stands as a silent promise, a reminder of the man she loves.

Just then, the door to the studio creaks open, and her mother steps inside. "Avika.. I've been looking everywhere for you". Pragya says while catching her breathe slightly. Avika rushed to her mother while slowly patting her back.

"Mom? What's going on?" Avika says while handling her glass of water. Once pragya drank the water she kept the glass aside and took the deep breath. "I have some news. The wedding... it's been preponed. It's happening in two days."

Avika's eyes widen in surprise. She takes a step back, almost bumping into the easel. "Two days? But... why?". Pragya smiled to her reassuringly. "Just now shilpa called and she informed me. She was in shock too because Anirudh has said her to pre poned the marriage."

Avika glances back at the painting, then at her mother. A mix of excitement and anxiety washes over her. "Anirudh...but he didn't said anything to me yesterday". She said her eyebrows knitted slightly. "Yesterday ? You met him yesterday ?" Pragya asked confused. Avika nervously looked at her while shaking her head. "No, I meant during call. We called yesterday but he didn't mentioned any such thing."

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