Chapter Seven

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Ashton's P.O.V

Shrugging off the dream I realized that I only had twenty minutes now to get ready for my fathers teachings. Quickly I sprang from my bed and hopped into some shorts then threw on a shirt. Running out the door, I took off towards my father's study. Arriving he looked up and over to the clock.

"Your on exactly on time, also meaning you late."

Okay becoming an alpha is hard work. I remember all the times my brother coming in tired from the office, and I'd make fun of him. Well I now worship him. I don't care if I'm Alpha. He is my alpha. I have chosen my own Beta, third in command, and top warrior. Beta is Aaron, third in command is Tristan, and Brian is the Warrior leader.

I will be going to Drake's land three days before an Alpha's meeting because I am still new to this crap. I am actually leaving right now with Aaron and Tristan. His pack lives about a thirty-minute drive away with Ellen's coven directly south of us.

"Come on we are going to be late," I scream out in front of the log houses. 'Gosh they take longer than girls do.' I thought to myself. 'We do not take longer than girls! You need to slow your roll. Why are you all antsy anyway?' I chuckled the fact Aaron heard me, but I honestly don't know why I'm hyped up. I just really want to be there already. It's like there is something waiting for me. Getting in the car I start up the engine from the passenger side. I was about to start complaining again until I saw the boys coming out of their houses giving their girls kisses on the cheeks and hugs. Rolling my eyes I turned the radio full blast listening to the worst- catchiest song ever... Let it go. I should have lost my man card but heck this song is so pumped up. The three of us had it repeat for about ten times.

We ended up talking about how long the guys were going to stay. Sadly only two days leaving by myself for one day. We were goofing off not knowing what we were about to walk into. When we were arriving Drake and his brother where rushing out of the house. "What's going on?" I put my bag on the ground and start to look around. Drake puts a hand on my shoulder, "Nothing my friend, just a patrol smelled about five rogues and I'm going to go check it out." I nodded grabbing my bags I headed to my room, which I already knew where it was. Tristan and Aaron decide to share my room in case some other Alphas showed up early. After unloading our bags Tristan and Aaron went to the kitchen. I was about to go down stairs when I was met with Drake.

"Hello, you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine it's just those rogues were looking for some people. I have no clue how they were before he could say anything he ran off growling. I have no clue what's going on." I just sat there I have no clue what to tell you either. I am guessing he got the memo when I didn't answer, "Get some rest," he said patting me on the back.

When he left the room I jumped on the bed and fell asleep. Violently being shaken woke me up. Moaning I turned over to see the clock, 2:52 A.M.! What the hell. I started to growl at Aaron.

"Dude get the fuck up Blake was found!!"

After hearing this I sprung out of my bed and headed straight for... for... wait where was I going. I turned around to see an amused Aaron. I huffed, swinging my arms ahead I irritably said, "Lead."

We were running down to the medical part of building. Once I arrived Drake was sitting in the chairs, running his hands through his hair.

"Drake," I yelled, his head turned he gave me a weak smile.

Jogging to him I spoke, "How is he?"

Drake sighed, "He is fine. Exhausted, weak, scratches here and there, and dehydration, but otherwise he is doing fine. He was seriously hurt after something weird had happened to one of the girls. Those two girls though I can't say too much for them. Here they are now."

I turned to the door being open and there was Drake's brother holding a very young girl with red hair and pale skin was lying limp in his arms. Just one look at her I turned to Drake,

"You killed her," I could barely speak. He shook his head, "it seemed that she was very ill, she started-."

Listening to him became no longer important to me when the sweet intoxicant smell hit me. It was covered by the smell of sewage, sweat, and dirt but nothing could cover that smell from me. 'Mate' my wolf growled. I turned around to see a very muscular, tall, and blonde hair girl being carried in the doors. I immediately ran to her side and took her out of the guy's hands. I ran over to an unoccupied room. Drake ran into the room with wide eyes.

"Get the doctor," I screamed, I'm on the verge of tears just looking at her. Her face all black and blue with a cut across her cheek, removing my hand from her back all I saw was blood. I went to see what the cause of the blood was, but before I could do anything I was forcefully removed from the room. I went to open the door, but it seems that one of the nurses had locked the door.

I slid down the all tears falling from my face. Alice one of the nurses and Drakes mate, gathered me up in a hug. I just sat there for what seemed like forever running my hands through my hair. I just met my mate and she is in the room possibly dying. I didn't even get a chance.

I jumped from Alice's arms and ran outside. Not caring my suit wasn't on I shifted, not carrying about the clothes; this girl I don't even know the name of broke me. I was sitting by a log; I had found some clothes and quickly shifted back, with the only person on my mind.

Her long matted blonde hair, her cracked lips, her perfect tan, her tallness, her muscle tone, and... and EVERYTHING. Ever since I had Iain eyes on her I will never forget her. The one thing I know I'll never forget that I wished I could, those scars covering her arms, legs, and the ones I had blood on my hands from.

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