Chapter 13: Something More Important Than Life

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Sky and Shoichi were walking around the mansion while Sky called out for Pierce.

Sky: “Pierce!” “Can you hear me!” “Where are you!”

Sky’s mind: “I hope he’s alright.”

Shoichi: “Any luck?”

Sky: “Nothing.” “I just hope they’re nearby and alright.”

They walked to a nearby door, and Sky opened it and looked around.

Sky: “Empty.” “This place really is like a maze.”

Shoichi: “What now?”

Sky: “Let's keep looking.”

Before they could move, the room tilted.

Sky’s mind: “The room actually rotated!”

Right before falling, Sky grabbed Shoichi to protect him as they were launched outside. Meanwhile, with Pierce; he was now determined to beat Kyogai. As the room flipped, he jumped in the direction of the room, but once he landed, he felt some pain from his injuries. But that didn’t stop him.

Pierce’s mind: “I don’t care if I have broken bones!” “I can do this!” “I can fight!”

But every time he tried to get in close, the slash attack would always bring him back.

Kyogai: “Damn it.” “You’re so annoying.” “I want to eat the mariachi now!”

The room stopped spinning for a minute, and Pierce fell onto the ground.

Pierce’s mind: “There isn’t even time to stop and think of a plan!”

Then, the slash attack was coming towards Pierce. He quickly jumped up and dodged it. He asked for Kyogai’s name.

Pierce: “What’s your name?”

Kyogai: “Kyogai.”

Pierce: “Kyogai, I won’t surrender Kiyoshi!” “I won’t lose hope!” “I won’t give up!”

Kyogai then recalls someone who told him to give up on something.


Someone was reading something that Kyogai wrote while he was in his human form and found it completely boring.

Writer: “How boring.” “You should give up.” “What you wrote is so boring.” “All these papers are as good as trash.” “Not wonderful, not dreamy, and not jaw-dropping.” “You shouldn’t write again.” “If you write, you’ll only waste paper and ink.” “You don’t leave the house during the daytime recently.” “That’s exactly why you’ve become so boring.” “Otherwise, you can play the drums for fun since you’re stuck in the house.” “Come to think of it, your drumming skill isn’t good enough for you to teach others too.”

They dropped the papers on the ground and stepped on them as they walked away. Kyogai was so upset that he reverted to his demon form and killed the person.

End of Flashback.

He was getting really frustrated.

Kyogai: “If I can get my hands on that mariachi, I can return to the Twelve Demon Moons!”

He showed his pupils and the X on his right eye.

Kyogai: “Disappear, you filthy bugs!” “Rapid Drumming!”

Pierce’s mind: “Can he beat the drums at a quicker pace?!”

He did. As Kyogai hit the drums, the room spun at a very fast speed. Pierce was getting dizzy.

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