Chapter 12: The Boar Bears Its Fangs, Sky Fights

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Right when the person launched themself towards the demon, it hit one of its tsuzumi drums while continuing to talk with itself. As the room flipped, Pierce yelled out to Teruko to grab onto some furniture.

Pierce: “Teruko, hang on to the furniture!”

Then, the other slayer used Pierce to launch themselves towards the demon, while Pierce tried to reason with them.

Pierce: “That demon can use Blood Demon Art!” “Stop launching those reckless assaults!”

But the slayer didn’t listen as they were laughing in excitement. Then the demon hit one of its tsuzumi drums again.

Tsuzumi Demon: “I’m so pissed off by these stinking bugs messing around in my house!”

Pierce turned in the motion of the spinning room while Teruko fell onto the floor, and the slayer stepped on top of her as they laughed in excitement.

???: “The room can spin!” “Interesting!” “What fun!” “What fun!”

Pierce grabbed their legs and threw them off of Teruko.

Pierce: “Don’t step on another person!”

They landed and looked at Pierce.

???: “Who the hell are you?”

Pierce scolded them as he holded Teruko close to him.

Pierce: “You just stepped on a child!” “What’s up with you?”

They just laughed as they spoke.

???: “That was the first time someone threw me down!”

They then swung their blades at Pierce while he jumped back, dodging it.

Pierce’s mind: “Why are they fighting me?” “Aren’t they a Demon Slayer?”

The slayer seemed proud of their blades.

???: “My blades are amazing, aren’t they?” “They aren’t for ordinary people like you!” “They can make mincemeat out of anybody!” “They’re my pride and joy!”

Pierce: “Stop it!” “There’s a demon over there, you know!”

???: “Like I care!”

They were about to attack Pierce again when the demon hit the tsuzumi drum on its stomach.

Tsuzumi Demon: “Stinking bugs.” “Get out of my sight and die!”

Three giant slash marks rushed towards them, and they jumped out of the way. Pierce looked at the slashes.

Pierce’s mind: “The tatami got split open.” “It happened at the same pace as the tsuzumi drum’s beat.” “It looks like the scratch of a wild animal.”

Tsuzumi Demon: “You damn stinking bugs!”

As they continued to hit its tsuzumi drums, Pierce was starting to see the pattern on what each drum does. He was starting to get a hang of it.

Pierce’s mind: “I’m getting the hang of it!”

Then another drum sound was heard as the room changed again, but the demon didn’t hit any drums. Once the room stopped changing, Pierce was protecting what’s going on.

Pierce’s mind: “The room changed again.” “But how did that happen?” “The demon didn’t beat his drum?”

He then caught a few scents.

Pierce’s mind: “I detected that there are a few demons in this mansion.” “Are there other demons beating drums?” “That might explain why…I smell blood”

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