Morning Chaos (Chapter 14)

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I stirred in my bed, violently woken up by my alarm. I felt like a zombie, my hair a tangled mess on my head, and I felt gross. I yawned and looked around my room, which was still a disaster. 

Maybe it was a food hangover. 

All I had eaten yesterday was junk food—both at school and at home. I didn't have a single real meal.

All Wests' fault.

He ruined my usual morning and after-school routine.

A wave of panic washed over me, jolting me upright in bed. I quickly grabbed my phone to check the time.

7:42 a.m.

I sighed with relief, I wasn't late, thank God. I still had time to get ready and maybe even have breakfast.

My eyes were heavy, and my body felt like lead as I dragged myself out of bed.

As I moved around my room, my eyes kept darting to the corner where West had left his stuff last night—a stack of notes, a half-eaten bag of chips, ink from my exploded highlighter and his stupid, cocky presence that seemed to linger even after he was gone. 

I felt a mix of irritation and curiosity. Why did he have to be so infuriating yet so intriguing?

I mentally slapped myself because of how stupid and awkward I was.

My morning routine felt completely disrupted, like his presence had left a mark on my day before it even started.

Suddenly I felt a unsettling feeling in my stomach, as I thought about the rumours that might start. If people found out about these study sessions, it could get really ugly.

I dreaded the idea of my friends making a big deal out of it, I mean they know we have this study routine thing. And I trust them not going around telling everyone. 

You know who I don't trust? Zora and her minions, especially Abby, who had a reputation for blowing things out of proportion.

If they found out, through West or somehow rumours get slipped through conversations of context. 

They are going to make my life a living hell.

And it wasn't that difficult to figure it out when West mentions it so casually at lunch tables, and with Abby's stalking skills, she'll know in no time.

And that's going to be another thing I add to the 'Reasons to hate West' list. 

I sighed and tried to push the thoughts away, but they lingered.

I hauled myself to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, trying to wake up.

I considered taking a shower since I hadn't yesterday, and the events of last night made me feel gross. I stood in the middle of my bathroom, looking back and forth between the shower and my bed.

Fuck it.

I stripped off my clothes and jumped into the shower, hugging myself in the corner while waiting for the hot water to kick in.

I just stood there, letting the water wash over me as I debated my life choices and wondered what the hell was happening around me.

After the shower, I threw on my school uniform and went to my vanity. 

Yesterday, I didn't have time to do my hair or makeup, but today I felt like putting in some effort. It was senior year, after all, and the least I could do was try to make myself feel presentable.

I applied some makeup, starting with my skincare routine. Nothing too much, but enough to know I was wearing makeup.

I styled my hair in a simple half-up, half-down look and tilted my head in the mirror, deciding I looked good enough. 

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