A Morning Aftermath (Chapter 7)

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The next morning, I woke up with a pounding headache.

Jake had made us watch an hour of memes and horses falling over, blasting the sound on the TV. The lights were off, so the screen felt like it was burning my eyes.

It took a few seconds to figure out I was in the living room, where we'd all passed out. Lia and Cole were cuddled up on the double couch, Cole running his fingers through her hair. They looked disgustingly cute together.

Jake was knocked out beside me on the floor, his head resting on the couch Em had taken over. They were both dead asleep, especially Jake, who'd been a ball of energy last night.

West was already up, of course. He was always the first awake, sometimes even cooking breakfast when we had sleepovers. And he actually could cook, like good food.

I pulled myself off the floor, careful not to step on anyone, and headed upstairs. It was 9:30 a.m., and I had way more energy than I ever did on school days. Weekends had a weird effect on me.

I pushed open my door, only to see West rummaging through his side of my closet, throwing stuff around like it was a lost-and-found.

Fucking hell, and he did it again.

"Oh my god West, look what you've done." I complained while picking up the clothes that were on the floor.

"What I'm looking for my clothes." He said annoyed.

"Why would they be up here?" I say, he just shrugs back. "you already did this shit yesterday." I exclaimed.

He grabbed a hoodie and some black shorts, then just stood there looking at me, deeply.

I raised an eyebrow, "Can you like get out please?" I say.

"Why?" He deadpanned, almost squinting his eye's.

"I need to get ready you dumb shit, why else?" I said throwing a pillow at him.

"I'm still looking for my stuff Mads." He spoke in his defence.

"You can hurry up or come back later, also I don't know if you know this, but there's this thing called privacy you know. Like you can't just be digging through my stuff. I thought we already went over this yesterday" I say making my point.

He smirked then looked over to my closet, purposely trying to get a deeper look at my stuff from all different angles.

"Not much I've found Mads." He says shrugging his shoulders.

He'd definitely found something.

"I'm not expecting you to find anything you asshole, just letting you know you shouldn't invade people's personal space like that." I scolded.

"You decide to say something now? Yea I think I'm going to stick to not following that rule and going through your closet when I want." he smiled.

"West just stop going through my stuff! And please leave, I have things to go today and you wasting my time." I say crossing my arms.

"Whatever." He rolls his eye's, but makes sure to end it with his signature smirk.

I shoo him out of my room, literally smacking him with my pillow, away like a fly.

I went around my room picking up the mess West had made, my clothes were everywhere and he had quite literally thrown my books that were on my shelf all over the place.

I sighed while picking up the book that was on my bed.

I was sure I'd left the book in my closet, but there it was on my bed—a smutty romance novel with a blonde woman in something revealing on the cover. 

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