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Lando's pov :

" Georgeee" Alex screeched like a little girl as George once again missed the goal

" Mate you are so bad" Charles laughed, followed by Carlos who nodded in agreement

The new season was starting soon and what better way to get ready for it than FIFA. It's true. You see, we had this tradition going into every new season. The last weekend of January, we'd all meet at someone's place, play FIFA, eat pizza, have a sleepover and enjoy. Well, that someone always ended up being my place but in all honesty, I didn't mind it. My place was huge and I lived alone.

Thus, having the boys come over was always a delight. Charles and Carlos were playing against Alex and George, who were terrible at it and loosing badly, if u ask me. Oscar, my teammate was seated along side Max, who was talking to him about Sim-racing. Man, that guy never catches a break.

" We getting pizza right?" Max questioned looking at me

Nodding in response, I checked my phone for the time, I'd ordered it an hour back, it should be here any moment now and as if my thoughts turned into reality, the doorbell rang.

Max and Oscar looked at me and I stared back, hoping one of them would open the door, but I knew they wouldn't budge, groaning I pushed myself off the couch, making my way towards the door but not before uttering, " you all are lazy as hell, know that right?"

The minute I opened the door, Alex started screaming again followed by Charles throwing some curse words at max and all of them overlapping each other. The delivery driver just stared at me, then back at his phone. Taking the pizza boxes from him, I muttered a sorry, before shutting the door

" Landoooo" Carlos yelled from the living room, " you're phones ringing"

" Pick it up" I yelled back making my way to the kitchen, keeping the boxes on the counter as I sat down, eyes on the screen.

" Oh okay sure. Yes I'll tell him right now" he cut the call, tossing me my phone but before I could check who called, he spoke, " someone named Y/n called, said she was stranded in the rain near the old mart and she asked if you could come pick her up, she doesn't have a transport back home."

I looked at him confused, I know who she was. The newcomer, she assisted in filming our painting challenge yesterday.

" What are u waiting for?" Oscar chimed in, " go "

" Right, yeah" getting up hastily, I took my keys from the table counter, " pizza is on the counter, don't finish everything, leave some for me" I said as I made my way out, getting a response from Alex, " no promises mate"

I drove slowly keeping a look out for Y/n. I tried calling her again but her phones switched off. I came to a stop in front of the old mart but she was not there, looking around, my eyes finally landed to an abandoned bus stop located opposite to the mart and I saw her sitting there.

" Y/n" I called as she looked up, taking a U-turn, I came to a stop in front of her as I rolled down the window, gesturing her to come in

" I'm fully drenched." I shrugged my shoulders at her remark, turning on the heater in the car as she opened the door, sitting in.

" Where too?" I questioned as she told me the directions to her place

She was quiet the whole ride, apart from uttering a yes or no whenever I tried making any conversation. It was a tad bit frustrating honestly, I came here to pick you up in the rain, the least I deserve is her talking properly to me.

y/n pov :

I could see Lando glancing towards me from time to time. I don't know why I was acting the way I was, giving him the short and cold answers, my eyes were glued to the window as I stared out. My mind was blank and I finally snapped out of my thoughts when we came to a stop in front of my apartment complex.

I got out of the car feeling a little light headed as I made my way inside. Feeling someone following me, turning around I was met with Lando, stepping into the elevator.

" Thank you" I said

" Wow, you finally say something other than a yes or no." he replied with a sarcastic smile

" Couldn't you just say ' welcome' like a normal person?" I huffed as the elevator dinged indicating that we reached the floor

I stepped out hoping he would go back down but he followed me, " and couldn't you just speak to me like a normal person?"

I scoffed, not wanting to respond to the boy. I was tired. All I wanted to do was have a warm shower, make some hot chocolate and get cozy in my bed. I felt him staring into my back as I searched for my keys to my apartment. Shit. Keys? Where are they? My hand frantically searched through my bag and then my pockets but no keys.

I heard him control a laugh as I snapped my head back at him seeing as he covered his mouth with his hand to stop him to bursting out of laughter

" What's so funny?"

" you uh-" he stopped, looking at me once again, " you remind me of a wet panda at the moment."

I was taken aback at his comment as I looked down to my jeans and back at him again, scoffing as I turned my attention back to the door, trying to figure out what to do. I must have left them at the McLaren HQ, but then again, I don't remember removing the keys from the bag but then again my house keys are always with the car keys and my car keys are...... Shit, God. I'm really dumb sometimes.

I internally groaned, turning back to the boy who still couldn't control his laughter. I seriously didn't know what was so funny

" What now?"

He took a deep breath, trying to control himself before he spoke, " A wet panda who lost her keys." He started laughing again.

A smile crept its way along my lips as I shook my head at him, looking up at him, my expression deadpan as I said, " You laugh like a Dolphin."

That shut him up almost immediately as he scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest, "absolutely not."

Shrugging, I didn't mind whatever he said next, I was already preoccupied with my situation here. " Could you give me your phone?"

He stared at my outstretched arm, before turning his head away and saying no

" My phone's switched off and I need to make that call, until you have a better idea that doesn't involve us standing here like two Muppets"

He looked at me again, as if trying to figure out what my intentions were, removing his phone, he gave it to me

" Lando" I said calmly, " you do not have service."

" So?" he shrugged, leaning against the wall. He really didn't seem to understand the situation

" How will I call dumb dumb?"

" I dunno." he uttered, huffing as he seemed irritated

Well even I have the right to be irritated. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely thankful to him for coming and picking me up. Other than that, he really was getting on my nerves

" Well panda, don't u have any neighbours or something?"

" First" I started, pointing my finger at him, " don't call me that and second, no. I'm the only one on the floor at the moment."

Racing Hearts - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now