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y/n pov :

Week one was finally over.

It was Friday evening, most of the crew had already left since we had the weekend off. We were lucky this time since I've been told that going forward we don't really get weekends off so to enjoy it while we can. It was almost end January, meaning the new season was on its way and lot of work had to be done and deadlines to be met going into the next month.

I removed my specs placing them onto the desk and closed my eyes, letting out a tired sigh as I rubbed my forehead. I was tired, there was no doubt about it but I wanted to work and give it my best to show the team what this job meant to me. although, this is just my 5th day working with McLaren, I was already pretty familiar with most of the stuff and what my role was in the team. I'm working as an assistant in the PR team, helping and editing as well as doing work that my superiors assign to me. My head, Madison, though she prefers to be called Madi, was just a couple of years older to me. She was an absolute sweetheart, guiding me and introducing everyone when I joint, she made me feel welcome and always made sure I didn't hesitate to ask her for anything. Subordinate to her was William, he was my age and had been working with McLaren for about 4 years now, he was in the idea development and innovation team in the department, basically, his job was coming up with content to film and ways to go about with it. They were the two whom I had to report too, thus, exactly what I was doing.

Madison was at home since she was sick, so I had to have a zoom call to update her about my work and that's what I ended right now. Switching off my laptop, I placed it into my bag along with some other books that were needed for me to get some more work done over the weekend, as I was cleaning up my desk, I felt a tap on my shoulder and my name being called out, turning to face the person I was met with a tired-looking Jeff, who looked like he needed a long rest. That does seem about right, since he was a technical engineer for the team and I've seen him pull some all nighters.

" Jeff!" I said cracking into a smile, " hi"

" hey" he responded, " I'm done and heading out, do u want a ride back home or something? "

I shook my head answering him," oh, no no its alright"

That was a lie though. I did need a ride back home since I didn't have a car. Now don't get me wrong, I do know how to drive and I do have a car but that's parked in the basement of my apartment complex since I couldn't find my keys this morning. I tried searching for it, everywhere. But no luck and I didn't want to get late, thus, I settled for taking a cab to work. Although I did want to agree to the offer but then again, jeff looked super tired and I didn't want to burden him. Besides, I did have to stop by the supermarket to get stuff to cook dinner and I wouldn't want him to wait on me.

" are u sure? It seems like it might rain"

I nodded my head, reassuring him that it was fine since I did have some errands to run before going home. Bidding me a goodbye, I saw as Jeff exited the glass door and made his way to car.

Turning to my desk, I rechecked if I had everything as I took one of my lego minifigures that was on display on the side of the desk, titling my head as I looked at it, I uttered, " looks like its walking today". Giving a defeated sigh, I kept the minifigure back down as I made my way outside the McLaren building.

Music is healing. The words of the soul, the strumming of hums and the tranquility of life. Its all mixed in together. Peace, that's what it provides me.

I can't do anything without music, its like my body physically cannot function until I blast the music into my ears, many a times that's also not enough, I need the music injected into my veins.

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