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y/n pov :

The race was over and disappointment was visible on the faces of the mechanics on Lando's side of the garage. Although, we all were happy about Oscar's P5 finish and him scoring the first points for the team for the season; it was disheartening to know that without what happened, there was a possibility of both of our drivers being in the top 5.

But, as it's rightly said - There's no used crying over spilt milk.

Will had told me to go fetch Lando for media duties; who had immediately shut himself in his drivers room after getting out of the car and uttering a series of 'sorry' to everyone who patted him on his back or spoke to him on the way.

That brings me here, standing before the opaque glass door of our Mclaren driver. Knocking, I was met with silence; knowing that the boy inside was most likely beating himself up for the events prior, I didn't bother knocking again rather just deciding to go in.

The door shut with a click and I was met with the sight of Lando leaning against the brown square table that was just beside the window. His arms were crossed across his chest and head hung low, I'm pretty sure he didn't notice me come in.

" Lando." My voice was a whisper, afraid that if it was a decibel higher it would disturb the stillness that encompassed the room.

He looked up at me, his eyes meeting mine and a second later snapping down, glued to the ground again.

" It's not your fault Lando." I stated, taking a place beside him, " It's alright, this is just the first race."

Was I consoling him or was I just making it worse? Honestly, I had no clue how to console somebody, let alone a Formula 1 driver who at the moment might be thinking just how bad he messed up.

After a few seconds he spoke, " But it is, isn't it?"

Shaking my head in response, " It's not."

" How can you be so sure about that?" He questioned, his body turning towards me

Giving him a small smile, I shrugged and at that moment I don't know what came over me, maybe it was the thrill of working my first race weekend or the adrenaline was on all time high since the podium ceremony just got over and I was sticky with the champagne that Max and Charles so generously poured all over the crowd standing below but I found my arms going over Landos neck and engulfing him in a hug.

He stood still, surely being in a state of surprise as to what I did; I was a bit surprised myself too but all that soon came to an end when I felt his arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer and his head buried in the crook of my neck.

" I'm not sure Lan." I said softly, " But, I know you are a great driver and nothings going to change that."

Landos pov :

I have no words.

No words to describe what just happened, it was risky, I knew that but in that moment I seemed to loose my cool, resulting in me not finishing the race.

I felt anger, not towards anybody but towards myself.

I felt angry at myself. Thus, finding it best to be felt alone for the moment because I didn't want it to be coming out on those who didn't do anything wrong. In fact, my team did nothing wrong, they've all just supported me along the way and how do I return that? by crashing my fucking car.

My mind swirled with all those thoughts, the link only breaking when I heard y/n's voice. I didn't even notice her come in but here she was, dressed in her usual Mclaren gear with a smile on her face and that glint of hope in her eyes.

I knew why she was here though - to call me for media duties, atleast that's what I thought she would say and leave but instead, I felt her walking towards me and leaning the same way I was against the table. She tried comforting me, those words that I heard most of the people say to me while coming up to the room. But them coming out of her mouth sounded more sincere than I could ever imagine.

" It's not your fault Lando." she said, " It's alright, this is just the first race."

I know. I know it's just the first race but that doesn't make it a defense for what I just did out there. It could have ended very badly and I could have seriously injured one of my friends and I don't think I would be able to bear the weight of that if he had gotten hurt badly.
It's just the first race, I know but this season is more important than ever, having additional expectations and pressure and me expecting so much more from myself too but that all went down the drain from the start.

There was so much I wanted to say to her, so much I wanted to express. For this was the first time in a long time that she spoke to me properly. Everything was all about work the day after she said she wanted to talk to me and talk she did - telling me everything that was on her mind. She was thinking about this just as much as I was at that time but maybe now, I was the only one for she was free, she had expressed and gotten it out. She felt relief - atleast that's what I believe.

There was so much to say that day in room D on the 5th floor of the HQ as well as now but instead I asked how could she be so sure about it - that all this wasn't my fault.

She didn't say anything but what she did a minute after took me by surprise.

She hugged me. She was hugging me right now.

Hug her back - my mind screamed at me and that's what I did.

" I'm not sure Lan." she said, in reply to my question from earlier; I could feel her breath and steady heartbeat as she hugged me closer slowly patting me on my back.

She called me Lan, I'm positive she didn't even realize she had called me that. A lot of people do and it's no big deal but hearing her say it definitely did something to me. My stomach doing a 360 flip and heart beating faster than ever.

Not being able to say anything, all I could do was just hmm in response.

I felt at peace for those couple of minutes, letting go of the worries and problems that awaited me past that door but for now, nothing mattered as much as the steady pats of her hand on my back or the random words of confidence that she whispered in my ear before finally letting go of the hug.

Racing Hearts - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now