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Y/n pov:

I missed my home.

Although it hasn't been for quite long but I did miss it a lot. It's just been a month, if not less since I moved here but calling a place home isn't about how much time you spend there, it's about the feeling of calmness and safety that engulfs you in a hug the minute you step in.

It's a feeling of dropping all your worries outside the door and that's exactly what I felt at the moment.

My home, my safe space and no one could take this away from me. I had already lost it once and I, sure as hell wasn't about to loose it a second time.

But maybe, today wasn't the night where I could be free from the burden.

Sighing, I kept my bags and tossed the keys onto the table besides the door, plopping onto the couch, a feeling so serene washing over me.

My mind was filled with all sorts of thoughts regarding the worries of work and if I could meet those expectations; the fear of working my first race weekend and doing well and of course, there was the thought of that day approaching really soon.

That day. The day that changed my life. Forever.
But, I didn't want to think about that because I know what happened could never be undone. I am well aware that there will come a time where I would need to tell others about what happened but until then I would much rather not think or talk about it.

Amongst these thoughts, there was one that was much stronger than the others and it was centered around one person.


My mind flashed back to today morning, us arguing. Why?

Why was I so worked up?

After all, he did nothing wrong. All he did was help me and for that, I was beyond grateful. But then why that spark of argument? Why that feeling of uneasiness?

Did he feel it too?

or was it just me who couldn't put my thoughts into words no matter how hard I tried?

There was tension, there definitely was. I felt it.
Ever since we watched the movie, there had been a slight shift in the air. I didn't notice it then but going over, I feel it now.

Is it possible to sense something after it has already passed?

My thoughts ran back to what Max and Charles said at dinner.

"Just talk to him." Max had suggested, "Don't argue."

" You'll understand what's wrong then." Charles had added

Talk to him. That was all that I had to do, I just wish it were that easy.


Don't get me wrong, I tried my best.

The weekend had passed by like a breeze and today was Wednesday, meaning it had been more than a week.
I tried my level best to talk to Lando in hopes of figuring out what's wrong. But it seemed as if whenever I tried to approach him or atleast try to talk, he would ignore me.

At first, I figured it was because he was busy but that wasn't always the case. He would make all sorts of excuses - ones which I knew were not true - all to just not talk and it was getting frustrating.

A part of me missed the friendship we had developed over the past couple of days but seeing him now makes me question was that truly friendship or was he just being nice and caring because his friends told him too.
Maybe that Friday evening when he came to pick me up was because Oscar or Charles had urged him too and perhaps, him offering to let me stay at his place was out of pity because if that truly was the case then I wanted to clear it with him once and for all. I didn't want his pity and I didn't want to feel like I owed him something.

Thus, making up my mind that today would be the day where I would talk to him no matter what and if he didn't want to talk, he would have to listen until I was done.

We were going to shoot the video today and that would take up the first half of the day. Lando and Oscar were running around the HQ, first - for a game of treasure hunt and second - to see who could tour the HQ the fastest. Let just say that wasn't the brightest of ideas.

Getting lunch and sitting at our usual spot, I listened to Will speak about Star wars.

" What? No sarcastic remark?" He questioned, raising at eyebrow at me

" Am I ever sarcastic?"

" Uh yes" He raised his finger, pushing my forehead back, " All. the. damn. time."

Sticking my tongue out at him, I exited the cafeteria in hopes to find Lando, that was until I bumped into Oscar

" Hey y/n, what's wrong?" he immediately asked

Was the worry so visible on my face?

" Oscar" I breathed out, pushing a strand of my hair back that seemed to get into my face, " Any idea where's Lando?"

He raised his eyebrows at my question, he definitely didn't expect me to ask him that and assuming Lando does tell him everything, its safe to say he knows what's happened.

" I -" I was cut off by him answering my question, " He's on the 5th floor, room D."

Giving him a small nod, I turned to go on my way

" And y/n" Oscar called out from behind, " I hope you both sort it out."

Smiling at him, " I hope so too." I said, reassuring him as well as myself.

Racing Hearts - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now