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Lando's pov :

To say we were all wasted would be an understatement.

There was music blasting all throughout the house, the strong smell of alcohol surged through my nose. I loved to party, don't get me wrong but I wasn't feeling up for it. That's why, here I was sitting on the sofa, with a bottle of beer clutched in my hands as I gazed at the people dancing in front of me. I was drunk, I knew that, but compared to the rest, it was safe to say I was in my senses.

Gazing into the distance, I saw Y/n and Charles dancing together, his arm wrapped around her shoulder and hers kept at his waist as they danced to the song blaring through the speakers, giggling and laughing together.

I sighed, the tip of my finger tracing the cap of the bottle as I saw Y/n walking towards me, keeping her glass on the table, she sat on the sofa, turning to face me, her elbow propped up, supporting her hand. My gaze landed on her as I turned to look at her as well. Her hair was messy, with a few strands sticking to her forehead. She had a glow on her face, a smile never leaving her. " Hi " she muttered.

" Hi " I answered back, earning a slight giggle from her

" Lando" she continued, still giggling, " Thank you."

I simply shrugged, " What for?" I questioned, earning a slight nudge from her

" You know for what." she smiled softly as I nodded back, a smile creeping its way through my lips

We sat in silence, well not exactly. But there was something I wanted to ask her, something that had been bothering me for a couple of days now.

" Y/n?" I questioned earning a 'hmm' from her in response, I took a deep breath, maybe it wasn't my place to ask but I sure was curious, " Why this job?"

It seemed as though my question brought something into her mind, she sat up straighter, the smile leaving her face for a second, before making its way back, she simply shrugged , " What do you mean?"

" What I mean is -" I sighed, trying to find the right words, " Why did you, Y/n dell, who was doing really well in her career into racing suddenly quit and come here, to" I paused," to this? " I gestured in the air but I didn't need to explain further, she understood where I was going with this

She sighed, contemplating, but after a while she spoke, " Something had happened." Closing her eyes for a brief moment, she forced them open again, blinking back the glossiness that had appeared which sure didn't go unnoticed by me, " Something...bad"

I wanted to ask her about it, but was it really my place to push something which obviously seemed like a really sensitive topic for her, but, I was curious as to why she had ended up like this and I don't think I'd get another opportunity. Maybe she might even forget this whole thing in the morning, so taking my chance, I asked, " What?"

She pressed her lips into a thin line, her mouth opening but closing almost immediately, however, before she could make her words, Max came, giddy and excited, making himself comfortable between the both of us

" Y/n" he yelled, obviously drunk, his words slurring, " Come on, lets dance" he stood up, trying to pull her off the sofa

She groaned sitting back down, " I think I'll call it a night Maxie"

Maxie? Since when did they become so close for her to call him Maxie?

But before he could reply, Charles came, his arm slung around Max's shoulders, the other stretched to Y/n as he pleaded her, " Come on, one last dance" he pouted, immediately joint by Max making baby eyes at her, she looked at both of them, laughing as she nodded, taking Carles hand in hers as max wrapped an arm around her shoulder

" The last for the night Charlie" she said, chuckling along with the two of them


There was an unknown feeling erupting in my chest. I wasn't quite sure what it was but pushing it down, I chugged the remaining of the beer in my hand.

An hour passed, the rest of the boys were already in their rooms. Except for Max, Charles and Y/n who still seemed to go on about singing. So much for the last of the night.

Finally getting up, I intercepted their little group. Switched off the music, I was immediately met with goarns and nos from the 3

" okay" I sighed, rubbing my forehead as I caught Y/ns arm, " lets get you to bed"

She looked at me for a second, turning back to the two boys, giving them flying kisses as she wrapped her arms around their shoulders, giggling, " hugs for u and hugs for u" she broke away and ruffled their hair, " Good night Maxie, night Charlie."

The two boys stumbled, grinning and uttering nights as they made their way to the room.

Y/n turned back to me, " one last dance?" she held up her finger pleasing

" Absolutely not" I shook my head, holding her arm as she stumbled, " come on, Let's get you to the room."

She nodding, her eyes closing at the mention of the bed, " Lets go" she uttered, walking forwards

" nope wrong way", I placed my hands on her shoulders, turning and guiding her upwards

" oops" she covered her mouth, chuckling, my hand still on her shoulder making sure that she doesn't fall as I took her to the guest room.

y/n pov :

I think I stumbled quite a few times.

I could feel Lando's warm hands placed firmly on my shoulder but the feeling of warmness soon vanished once we reached the room

" You can freshen up, I'll get you some clothes" he spoke, gesturing towards his room, which was opposite to that of the guest. Turning towards him I nodded but before he could turn away, I placed both my hands on his cheek, the sudden gesture took him by surprise, his eyes wide as he stared into mine, a chuckle left my mouth at his sudden stiffness, " Thank you, Lando. " removing my hands, I opened the door making my way in.

The minute I sat down, I was hit with a sudden wave of nausea and I knew exactly what was going to happen. Immediately rushing to the bathroom, I crouched down, the bits of pizza along with the alcohol, made its way out. My throat started to sting due to the acid as tears followed down my eyes, suddenly, I felt my hair being lifted off my face, a hand rubbing my back

" Its okay, its fine, get it out"

The familiar feeling of warmness that I had felt a couple of minutes ago returned, as Lando patted my back slowly, " Its over, its okay" he whispered as I sat down, tears staining my face and a burning sensation in my throat.

His hand was still placed against my back, creating a feeing of calmness in me

" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I managed to mumble out through my sobs

" hey hey," he placed his hands on my face, turning me to look at him, " Its okay. There's no need to be sorry about anything. You freshen up, I'll get you some water okay" with that he left, closing the bathroom door behind him

Breathing heavy, I turned out the faucet, washing my face. A feeling of tiredness spread all across and the stinging sensation in my throat didn't help either, I could feel the headache making its way. I made my way out, sitting on the bed as Lando came up with a glass of warm water

" Here" he passed it to me as I wrapped my palms around the glass, feeling slightly better.

We sat in silence then. Not an awkward one but a rather comforting silence. I sipped on the water feeling the lump in my throat dissolve a bit.

Lando finally broke the silence, " Are u okay?" he asked

I nodded in response, " I'm never going to drink one of George's creations ever again." At that a chuckle left his mouth, " We all have been there, it hits you the first time" he breathed out, chuckling, " hard and bad."

A small smile showed its way onto my face, as lando took the glass from my hand, " I'll let you sleep."

Racing Hearts - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now