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Lando's pov :

The sky was clear now. I drove to the nearest clothing store, buying a pair of clothes and a couple of other stuff for her. Some cold medicines since I was sure she would catch a cold. I have no clue how that slipped my mind, should have gotten this earlier but well, better late then never.

I hope those guys don't spit nonsense to her or say something they don't have too. I'm sure they wouldn't, right? They wont, right? Although can't really trust Max and Charles on this, if they are in the right mood, those guys say some pretty unhinged stuff, but they wouldn't, would they? I shook my head keeping all these thoughts away as I pulled into the driveway.

Entering the house, I was met with a scene I did not expect.

" No no, its wrong" Max exclaimed, clutching a bowl in his hand as he started putting the items into the cooker kept on the gas

" No Max no, you didn't have to put that right now" Alex groaned as he chopped up some vegetables while Oscar shook his head at him, " Mate, you didn't have to dice it."

" Is this right?" Carlos asked as he showed his boiled corn to the crowd having all of them nod in approval

" I think the only one whose doing something right here is Carlos." George said, snacking on a carrot, leaning against the kitchen counter, " All of you are horrible at this."

The minute he said that, he was rained on with groans and some not-so-good comments, all of them overlapping each other. It was chaotic.

" Guys!" I finally spoke gathering all of their attention

" oh Lando you're back" Carlos said and then immediately turning his attention back to the corn while the others did the same going back to whatever they were doing

" Where's y/n?" I asked, keeping the goods on the counter as George gestured upstairs, "Your room. Charles is up with her" he said as I nodded in response, "Just don't-" I gestured to the chaos in front of me, " Just don't blow up my kitchen." George just shrugged in response as he went back to eating his carrot.

Entering the room, I saw her asleep on my bed, with Charles sitting on the other side, pulling out the thermometer as he checked her temperature. There was a bowl of water along with some napkins on the night table, " Hey man" I whispered going close to them, Charles looked up at me, giving me a small smile

" Fever?" I questioned as he nodded in response, placing the wet towel on her head as she twitched on the contact of the cold water

" Where'd you go?" Charles questioned, my eyes averted from y/n to him, sighing as I sat down, "To get her some cold medicine." He chuckled at that as I furrowed by eyebrows on the way he responded, " What?"

He shook his head, standing up as he took the bowl of water, " What?" I repeated myself

" Nothing. Nothing. Lets go, let her sleep" he opened the door, gesturing to me to come down

" Yeah. I'll be down in a sec"

He shut the door softly and silence dawned in the room with the only sounds being of the fan and our breaths. Going close to the girl sleeping, I found myself internally chuckling. She looked like a sleeping panda right now, wearing the exact colours even. Black and white. I slowly lifted the blanket, tucking her in. After which I made my way downstairs but not forgetting to keep the cold medicines and water on the side so she could take it once awake.

A sigh of relief left my mouth as soon as I stopped in front of the kitchen, to see in one piece, "Thank the lords" I muttered, earning chuckles from the boys

" Lando, you wanna try?" Alex blew on a spoon full of soup before giving it to me and I'm not going to lie, I did not except it to be so good. I never excepted these guys to cook up a decent meal, I wouldn't even trust them near my cereal. Well, except for Carlos, he was a somewhat decent cook. But with the others, you never know what's to happen but there was no denying it, the soup was really good. Giving them a thumps up, I sat down on the sofa accompanied by Charles and Oscar

A few hours passed as we played FIFA and ate some pizza, I glanced towards the stairs again as I looked up at the clock, 1:00. She's been asleep for quite sometime now. I hope she's doing okay, she looked pretty tired when I picked her up earlier and it didn't help that she was drenched from head to toe. I glanced there once again, should I go up and check? Maybe not. I guess I'll let her be, or maybe I should just peep in, see if she's still asleep? No or maybe I should get-

My thoughts were cut short with Oscar calling my name, " You have got to stop looking over there every 10 minutes, she's in the room and sleeping. Nothing is going to happen."

Pff. I didn't care. I just didn't want her to create a mess in my room, that's the only reason I was worried. I didn't really answer him as he sat back down, smirking.
Instead I diverted my attention to the game.

Carlos was winning, I mean he always does, he was so good at FIFA, not that I wasn't, I was equally good. Great, in fact.

" Mate you are so bad" I exclaimed looking at George

" Oh yeah?" he retorted, throwing the controller towards me, " Lets see how good you are, Mr.Norris."

I raised my brow at him as Max whopped while Oscar slapped my shoulder hyping me up. I gripped the controller, smirking " Game on boys. "

Racing Hearts - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now