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Landos pov :

Y/n smiled back as I took the glass of water from her hands, " Goodnight" I said going to switch off the lights but before I could, I was met with her firm grip around my wrist, " Don't, please don't switch off the lights."

I gazed at her then down to her hand clutched tightly on my wrist, noticing that she immediately loosened her grip, taking her hand back and muttering a sorry

" Its okay, I won't switch off the lights" I retorted, making my way out of the room but not without saying good night to her as the door shut with a click. I stood there, the light illuminating out of the bottom of the door, as I shook my head to let go of whatever was coming to my mind. Its been a long night and all I would love right now is some good sleep.

y/n pov : the next morning

Walking downstairs, the smell of breakfast plagued my nose. I wasn't feeling nauseous, maybe a little hungover but overall, I guess you could say I was feeling pretty fresh owing to the fact that I puked my guts out last night.

" Hola y/n." Carlos's voice snapped me out of my thoughts

He was wearing a sea green colour apron and making breakfast, meanwhile opposite to him at the table, sat very two hungover looking boys.

" Morning Carlos." I said making my way to the table as I ruffled each of their hair, " Max. Charles, Good morning"

Charles groaned, his head rested onto the table while max looked up at me, giving me a smile. Well now I know who can handle their alcohol better

" Hungover Max?" I asked gazing at the pancakes Carlos put out on the plate, max nodded in response, before continuing, " But, not as much as this guy here. You know, after you all slept off, he wanted water and there was none in the room. I offered to go get him some owing to the fact that he cannot handle his alcohol but being the stubborn guy he is, he made is way out here, saw a bottle with what looked like water in it and chugged it but guess what-"

" It wasn't water at all, was it?" I knew where this was going as I tried hard to control myself from laughing, " Not at all, he drank vodka" max chuckled as Carlos and I bursted out laughing, while Charles just seemed to shake his head in disapproval.

Once, the laughter died down, Max gestured to his plate, offering me some pancakes but before I could reply, Charles abruptly stood up, clutching a hand over his mouth and the other on his stomach as he rushed into the room. Max immediately stoop up, wanting to go help but I was faster, " Its okay Max, I'll go check, you eat." although hesitant, he nodded as I made my way into the room.

The bathroom door was open, as I stepped in, crouching down next to Charles, my hand on his back rubbing it up and down, " It's okay Charlie, you're fine." He nodded in response, standing up, his eyes glossy as tears threatened to fall and one did; I wiped it with my thump, patting him on the shoulder, " You clean up, I'll get u some water."

Stepping out of the bathroom, thoughts of last night flooded my mind. This is the exact reply of what happened with Lando. Suddenly, my body seemed to remember the warm touch across my back, the way his fingers glided along my neck to pick up my hair, the way I caught his wrist, he-

I shook my head. What the hell. No.

Water. I need to get Charles some water.

" He alright?" Max asked upon seeing me, " Yeah he puked it out, I'll give him some water and a painkiller."

" Thanks y/n" he responded going back to eating breakfast when Carlos called out from behind, " y/n I've made pancakes for you."

" Thank you Carlos, honestly a life save, I'll give these to Charles and come" I lifted my hands receiving a nod from both of the boys.

After eating the pancakes, which were amazing by the way, we thought about chilling for a while before the others got up.

" ya'll go, I'll make some more for the others and come" Carlos said, whisking the batter in the bowl, while Max had already made his way out of the kitchen, sitting on the sofa as he scrolled on his phone.

I shook my head at the sight of the boy before turning back to Carlos, " You need any help?"

Shaking his head in response, he pushed me out of the kitchen, saying that he likes to work alone and I should go chill.

Clapping my hands behind my back, I went and sat next to Max who still seemed extremely engrossed in his phone. I slapped him lightly on the shoulder, "You are extremely addicted to that phone of yours."

At that, he looked up at me, a smile forming onto his lips, " Was browsing through some pictures of last night." That immediately caught my attention, " Show me too" I exclaimed taking the phone from his hands.

" Who the hell clicked these man?" I mumbled swiping through the pictures, " Most of them are bad"

" yeah maybe because you are in them" max retorted earning another slap on his shoulder. Keeping his hand near his heart, he fake cried saying, "You hurt me. I'm hurt."

Scoffing at him, I went back to scrolling the pictures as one of them caught my attention more than the others. It was a pictures of Charles, Lando and me. Charles and I were smiling at the camera, while lando's gaze seemed to be stuck on me.

I felt max peering over my shoulder, " Pretty picture" he mumbled, " Shame Charles was in it too."

Raising my eyebrow at him, " Huh?" I questioned

He shook his head, clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth, before continuing, " Could you pass me that pillow, I wanna lie down for a bit."

Giving him one, I took another for myself, Max laid horizontally while I laid vertically on the other side of the sofa, the pillows meeting at the corner like a L. We spoke for a bit and after a while, I felt my eyes getting heavy and eventually dozing off.

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