28: death cap

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Michikatsu, now known as Kokushibo was now a demon, transformed by your lover

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Michikatsu, now known as Kokushibo was now a demon, transformed by your lover.

The two of you engaged in combat together, making things twice as hard for the Hashira attempting to behead you and Muzan.

"I have been told to eradicate all users who know breathe of the sun." Kokushibo said to you.

"Have you killed your brother then?" You asked.

Kokushibo visibly grimaced at the mention of Yoriichi who he had yet to locate.


You didn't think so considering Yoriichi's sheer strength. But you'd never say that to him

"But I will when I find him." He said.

The fight raged on until the sun was beginning to peak from the horizon. At this point, they were fighting to last until sunrise since they had failed to land a fatal blow to behead you or Kokushibo.

You were panicking.

"Michi, we have to kill them before the sun comes up. We don't have much time."

"I told you that's not—"

"Your new name isn't my priority at the moment." You snapped.

Kokushibo remained quiet as you used your strongest Blood Demon Art attack.

You could only use it once before you'd be completely drained of energy.

And how the tired and injured Hashira were all standing, now was the perfect time to use it.

You took a deep breath and let out an exhale as the microscopic pores of Amanita Phalloides exited your mouth, all the unsuspecting Hashira breathing in the deadly toxins.

You nearly passed out as you collapsed from using such a powerful attack as the Hashira began to collapse and start violently vomiting, all of them screaming in pain as they tried to make sense of what was happening.

They couldn't fight. They had breathed in massive amounts of deadly mushroom spores.

You were passed out on the ground, covered in blood as you had used the last of your energy.

Kokushibo had scooped you up and walked through the sea of corpses and suffering Hashira as they underwent an agonizing and slow death.

Kokushibo didn't bother putting them out of their misery as the toxin did its job.

He let your Blood Demon Art run its course.

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