Chapter 8

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Sanemi glared at the bush, his body on high alert as he waited for any sort of sign or movement from the demon in the bushes. He felt his senses sharpen as he waited for any sign of the demon finally attacking. But then the demon suddenly leaped out of the bushes, its large, bulky figure lunging straight toward the two hashiras.

The loud thud of the demon's landing echoed in between the trees as its large bulky figure stumbled to its feet. Giyuu felt his breathing become even more bated as he stared at the demon, its presence only confirming his already known thoughts. A demon, a demon was standing straight before them, its yellow eyes glaring at the two of them with a furious, malicious look.

Sanemi bared his teeth in a snarl, his body automatically moving in a fighting position as his eyes stared intently at the demon's large figure, glaring angrily at it. The demon stared back at Sanemi, a sinister glint in its yellow eyes as it smiled wickedly at him. It took a large, long step toward the two hashiras, its body almost shaking in what appeared to be excitement and delight.

Giyuu could feel his breathing stop for a few seconds as soon as the demon took that large, long step toward their direction, his body almost tensing up as the words "demon" continued to repeat in his brain like a broken record. He had to do something, but was frozen. He couldn't move, couldn't think. Just stare at the approaching, looming demon as his breath came in short, panicked gasps.

Sanemi's eyes widened as he noticed the other's lack of reaction, his eyes quickly snapping onto the other's figure in slight shock. Giyuu wouldn't move, wouldn't fight against this demon. He was frozen, frozen in place, but why? He gritted his teeth and immediately stood in between Giyuu and the demon as he gripped his sword. He had to get Giyuu to snap out of it, had to get him to move.

Giyuu's breathing was laboured and panic-stricken as his chest continued to rapidly rise and fall, almost hyperventilating with rapid, panicked breaths and gasps. His body was frozen, stuck in place as he watched the demon start to rapidly approach and get closer and closer to them. This couldn't happen, why couldn't he move his legs? Why couldn't he do something??

The demon approached the two hashiras at a rapid pace, almost gleeful and excited to battle them head on. It continued to smile, its eyes gleaming as it continued to stare straight at them, almost laughing to itself at their frightened look and paralyzed stances.

Sanemi growled and immediately swung his sword at the demon, his teeth bared and his eyes almost glinting in anger and frustration. Frustrated at himself, frustrated at the demon. But also frustrated at the other hashira, he wouldn't even budge from his spot, paralyzed. Why? Why couldn't he move? He took a leap and attacked the demon, trying to stall it, trying to buy time for the other to snap out of whatever state he was in and come help.

The demon quickly dodged Sanemi's attacks, almost laughing as it ducked and weaved out of his attacks with ease. It kept it's large figure in place as it glanced from Giyuu back onto Sanemi, its yellow eyes glowing under the silver moonlight.

Giyuu's breathing continued to be rapid, continuing to hyperventilate and gasp with panicked, strained breaths. His breathing became more and more panicked, rapid, and quick, almost bordering on the lines of hyperventilating. Sanemi gritted his teeth in frustration. Why the hell won't the other do something? Why hasn't he moved, why won't he just come fight too? Why is he just standing there? Frustration boiled to the surface within his body, he hated this he hated this.... Why did he care? Why was he so frustrated and angry at the other's lack of movement? He quickly attacked the demon again, his eyes gleaming with rage as he slashed his sword at the demon once more. The demon once again dodged Sanemi's attacks effortlessly, weaving out of the way and smiling. It was enjoying this, enjoying his frustrated attacks toward it, and the other's lack of movement.

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