Chapter 6

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Sanemi. The exact LAST person Giyuu wanted to see right now was right there, standing in front of his now open door. He could've sworn that he almost wanted to start crying or scream in pure frustration at just the sight of the man in front of him. He almost froze for a few moments, standing there rooted in place and almost gaping at the man. His heart skipped a beat as he silently looked up at Sanemi and into his angry eyes. He felt like snapping and yelling at him for the second time that day, but he suppressed the urge to scream at the man like a petulant child. After a few moments of silence he finally managed to open his mouth and speak. He almost immediately flinched at his own voice as it sounded strangely shaky and small. "....What the hell do you want?"

Sanemi almost had to hold back himself from wincing when Giyuu spoke. The other's voice almost sounded shaky and quiet and it was almost foreign to hear someone who was always so composed to sound almost scared. He took a deep breath before taking another look at the other man's appearance. He almost grimaced inwardly when he saw the bruise that he'd left on the man's cheek just a few minutes ago. Sanemi's hands almost trembled as he tightened them into fists at his side.

Giyuu silently waited for the other man to respond to him, almost dreading whatever he had to say. His body was tensed at the sound of his voice and he silently prepared himself for anything. Another fight or yelling, he didn't know and it almost scared him more than anything else. He noticed the way the other man's eyes were looking at his cheek, that awful bruised cheek. He waited for Sanemi to insult him for it, and make another mockery of it.

Sanemi's chest almost felt like it tightened at the sight of the darkened mark on Giyuu's cheek. His expression hardened slightly as he felt a small twinge of guilt for doing something like this. He hadn't meant to physically hurt the man, just yell at him and insult him and his stupid face. He almost reached forward to lightly touch the bruised skin, but he stopped himself. He tightened his fists into even tighter ones.

Giyuu almost flinched at the feeling of Sanemi's hand hovering over his bruised skin. He felt the strong urge to reach up and slap the hovering hand away, but he held this urge back. He remained still, his body still tensed and his lips pursed into a thin line. "What do you want, Shinazugawa?" He repeated his earlier question, his voice almost coming out as a soft growl as the words left his stiff lips.

".....I just need to talk to you." His voice was shaky and almost nervous. This was something Giyuu had never heard before and it almost sounded strange.

Giyuu raised a small eyebrow, almost feeling his eyes widen in slight surprise at the man's voice. He almost winced at how nervous Sanemi sounded and felt an almost strange feeling in his chest at the sound. "About what?" He replied back. His expression hardened in pure suspicion at hearing those words. Why on earth would Sanemi need to talk to him about anything? They hardly even talked to each other as it is.

Sanemi took another deep breath. He could feel a bead of sweat drip down the side of his face. He felt a knot almost form in his stomach and he almost almost wanted to kick himself because of it. He looked down at the ground as he spoke again. His tone changed, almost back to that annoyed and slightly hostile one. But Sanemi still felt slightly nervous and his tone came out as a mixture of both hostile and nervous.

"....About the...marriage..."

Giyuu felt his eye twitch slightly. He honestly didn't know what to expect Sanemi to say, but he supposed it would probably be something like this. He let out a small huff and crossed his arms over his chest in response. "Why? What about it?" He said, his voice firm and almost cold. He honestly didn't know what he would do if Sanemi suddenly tried to back out of the agreement.

Sanemi let out a scoff almost in reply. He almost rolled his eyes at the other's cold tone. "You're a real pain in the ass, ya know that? He muttered under his breath, almost grumbling to himself. His tone quickly shifted to one of annoyance as he tried to brush off any kind of nervousness that was building up in his chest. "Did you even read the damn contract?" He suddenly said with a hint of hostility.

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