Chapter 23

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Once Giyuu was dressed in his uniform, he turned to Sanemi, noticing the serious expression on his face. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Giyuu nodded, appreciating the concern in his voice. "I'm fine, really." he assured him, managing a small smile.

Sanemi studied him for a moment, his gaze searching. Seeing that Giyuu was telling the truth, he relaxed slightly, his worry ebbing away. "Okay then," he said, though he still looked slightly sceptical. "Just tell me if you start feeling off, alright. Or maybe we could go on the mission together just in case you start feeling off. Or-"

"No," Giyuu interrupted him, a fond smile tugging at his lips. He reached out and placed a hand on Sanemi's arm. "I promise, I'll be fine. And it's been more than a month, Sanemi. You don't have to worry so much."

Sanemi huffed quietly, but he knew Giyuu was right. He still didn't like the idea of letting him out of his sight. But he also knew he couldn't keep him locked up forever. "Fine," he said grudgingly, his gaze still fixed on Giyuu. "But the moment you feel even a little off, you let me know, understood?"

Giyuu nodded, understanding the underlying implication of Sanemi's words. Despite the trust between them, he knew Sanemi would always worry. "I promise," he said earnestly. "And I have my sword, remember? I can take care of myself."

Sanemi allowed himself a small smile, knowing that Giyuu was more than capable of taking care of himself, he was a skilled Demon Slayer who had faced countless demons. "Yeah, I know," he said, his voice a low rumble. " careful, okay? I don't want anything happening to you."

Giyuu's heart warmed at Sanemi's words, touched by the sincere concern behind them. "I will," he promised, reaching out to give Sanemi's hand a gentle squeeze. "And you be careful too."

Sanemi's expression softened further at Giyuu's touch. He wrapped his fingers around Giyuu's, holding onto his hand reassuringly. "I'll be fine," he replied gruffly, though his grip tightened briefly. Deep down, he knew Giyuu was just as strong as he was, but he'd never truly stop worrying about him.

Giyuu's lips curved into a crooked smile. He knew that no matter what either of them said, Sanemi would always worry. It was just in his nature to protect what he cared about. He squeezed Sanemi's hand one last time before drawing his hand back. "I guess I should get going," he said.

Sanemi let out a soft grumble at the idea of Giyuu leaving, but he knew they both had duties to attend to. He gave Giyuu a sharp nod, his gaze lingering on him. "Yeah, I guess you should," he said, his voice neutral, betraying the worry beneath. "Be safe." he added, a slight warning in his tone.

Giyuu could hear the underlying worry in Sanemi's voice, but he knew better than to bring it up again. Instead, he offered Sanemi one last reassuring smile. "I will," he said simply. He turned to leave, his footsteps soft against the wooden floor. He paused at the door, looking back at Sanemi one last time. "See you later."

Sanemi watched as Giyuu walked out the door. Despite the worry gnawing at him, he tried to focus on the fact that Giyuu was strong and perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Still, he couldn't shake off the faint sense of unease. With a resigned sigh, he turned away from the door, his jaw clenching. He could never fully relax when Giyuu was out there alone, even if rationally, he knew that worrying wouldn't change anything. Resolving to drown himself in work, he set about preparing himself for his own patrol.

Giyuu walked through the village, his senses keenly attuned to his surroundings, alert for any sign of danger. Slowly the village gave way to the outskirts, where the trees grew denser and the undergrowth thicker. The weather turned more bitter, and the temperature dropped, a sign that he was getting closer to the mountains. Giyuu pulled his haori tighter around him, trying to ward off the chill. He knew from experience that the demons became more active in colder climates, where there is no sunlight, they roam around freely even during the day.

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