Chapter 22

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"Morning," his voice was still low and rough from sleep. He knew how much Giyuu hated mornings, and he couldn't resist poking fun at him. He tweaked Giyuu's nose, grinning at the soft grumble he got in response. "Sleep well?"

Giyuu let out a disgruntled huff, tucking his face under Sanemi's chin. He made a non-committal noise, neither confirming nor denying whether he had slept well. His body was still lax and soft, his muscles relaxed from sleep. But Sanemi could feel the beginnings of a pout on his lips. He knew the other was not a morning person, still Sanemi found it adorable how grumpy he could be before he was fully awake. He stroked his hand up and down Giyuu's back, the soothing motion seeming to ease some of the ravenette's crankiness.

Giyuu made another soft grumble, slowly responding to Sanemi's touch. Sanemi could feel the slight change in his breathing, indicating that he was slowly waking up. He nuzzled his face further into Sanemi's skin, seeking out more of the touch. "Sanemi, hurts."

"What hurts?" Sanemi asked, his voice softer now.

"Everything." Giyuu mumbled, his voice still slurred with sleep. He shifted in Sanemi's arms, wincing slightly as his body protested the movement. He felt sore and tender all over, the aftermath of his heat taking a toll on his body.

He knew how sensitive Giyuu could be after they were intimate, and he wanted to do what he could to ease his discomfort. "Want me to draw you a bath?" he asked, his voice low and gentle. "Nice and warm."

Giyuu thought for a moment, considering Sanemi's offer. He was feeling sore and achy all over, and the thought of a warm bath sounded incredibly inviting. He nodded, his face still buried against Sanemi's chest. "Yeah," he mumbled.

Once they were in the bathroom, Sanemi helped Giyuu out of his clothes before guiding him into the tub. Giyuu let out a soft sigh as he sank into the warm water. He leaned back against the side of the tub, his eyes slipping closed as he let the water ease his aches and pains.

Sanemi knelt beside the tub, watching as Giyuu settled into the water. He couldn't help but smile at the way Giyuu's body relaxed, the tension and soreness from last night beginning to melt away. He reached out and cupped Giyuu's face in his hand, his thumb gently stroking his cheek. "Feel better?" he asked, his voice soft.

Giyuu hummed, his eyes still closed as he leaned into Sanemi's touch. The warm water felt heavenly on his aching muscles, soothing away the worst of the discomfort. He felt himself drifting, the combination of the warm water, Sanemi's touch and his own exhaustion making it hard to stay awake. "Much better," he murmured, his voice soft and sleepy. "It will be even better if you get in too."

Sanemi let out a small chuckle, he could tell that Giyuu was feeling sleepy and wanted him close. And the tub was big enough for both of them. He stood up, stripping off his own clothes before stepping into the tub behind Giyuu.

The water sloshed as Sanemi settled in behind Giyuu, his legs on either side of the smaller man. Giyuu shifted slightly, leaning back against Sanemi's chest with a soft hum. His head dropped back onto Sanemi's shoulder, his face nuzzling against the junction of Sanemi's neck and collarbone.

Sanemi held him close, his arms wrapping around his waist. He smiled as he felt Giyuu nuzzle closer to him. He pressed a kiss against the top of the ravenette's head, hand tracing lazy patterns on his stomach.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, the only sounds in the room the lapping of the water and their soft breathing. Giyuu felt completely at ease in Sanemi's embrace, his aching muscles finally starting to relax. The warm water and Sanemi's touch were like a balm on his body, soothing away the tension and pain. His body going limp against Sanemi's chest.

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