Chapter 21

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⚠️ Smut

The mission was completed successfully. Sanemi had slain the demon without any trouble, but it was still exhausting. He was so tired that he felt like he'd pass out at any moment, but he was finally done. He couldn't wait to get back home to Giyuu and fall into bed with him. He missed Giyuu's sweet laugh, his gentle smile, and his adorable sleepiness. He wanted to see him as soon as possible. He wanted to cuddle with him under the blankets and never let him go. And just that thought alone made him feel a little better. But he also knew that it would be a while before he actually got to hug him, so he tried to focus on the journey instead.

As he was travelling home, Sanemi noticed that darkness was starting to fall. The sky was turning a deep shade of purple and the stars were starting to twinkle. It was beautiful. It made him even more eager to return. Sanemi decided to hurry up instead. His feet seemed to be moving on their own. They were carrying him faster than before, he wanted, no, needed to go home.

As Sanemi reached the doorsteps of the estate, he slid the door open, hoping to be welcomed by a familiar mop of black hairs, but instead he was hit by the sweet, heady scent, undoubtedly it was Giyuu's, Sanemi could tell from miles away but it was different, stronger, more intoxicating, and alluring.

A moment later Sanemi heard footsteps approaching, soon Aiko, their household maid came into view. She looked rather worried, " Shinazugawa sama, Tomioka sama is seem to be going into heat." She spoke, urgency evident in her voice.

Sanemi froze. His first instinct was to rush to his husband's side but he tried to remain composed. He took a deep breath and asked Aiko to fill the bath with warm water and bring some food and drinks to their room.

Aiko bowed before scurrying away, leaving Sanemi alone with his racing thoughts. "Everything is going to be alright, don't panic." he mumbled to himself. This was going to be a very long night.

After a while, she came back with a plate full of delicious looking food. Sanemi thanked her and dismissed her. Sanemi took a shaky breath before entering their room, the sweet scent instantly overwhelmed him but he resisted the temptation to jump on his lover and held himself back.

Giyuu was lying on the bed, tangled in sheets, a poor excuse for clothes, face flushed and his body trembling. Sanemi's heart ached at the sight of him in such a state. He set the food down and approached Giyuu with steady steps, careful not to startle him. He sat down next to him and laid a hand on his forehead. His skin was burning to the touch and he was whimpering. Sanemi couldn't bear to look at him like this. He wished he could take all his pain away.

Giyuu opened his eyes to look at him, his eyes were filled with tears, and breathing was laboured. Sanemi looked at him with concern, "Hey, it's okay." He whispered, brushing away a few locks off Giyuu's sweaty forehead. "I'm here now."

Giyuu let out a small whine, leaning up and clutching onto Sanemi as he buried his face in the crook of his neck, seeking comfort and warmth. Sanemi held him close, his hand slowly stroking Giyuu's hair. He murmured soothing words, "It's okay, love. I'm here. I'm here."

Sanemi felt a surge of protectiveness over Giyuu. He knew that heats were painful and dangerous for an omega, and he was determined to make this one easier for Giyuu. "I'll take care of you, Giyuu." He told him firmly.

As he spoke, Sanemi's hand reached out to brush over Giyuu's scent glands, the area on his neck that would give off a sweet, alluring fragrance indicating an omega's heat. Giyuu tensed for a moment before melting under his touch, clearly enjoying the sensation. Sanemi continued to rub circles on Giyuu's scent glands, letting out calming alpha pheromone to soothe the ravenette. In a moment, Giyuu's body relaxed considerably, his breathing slowing down.

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