Chapter 17

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Over the coming days, Sanemi made a concerted effort to change his behaviour around Giyuu. He held his temper in check, bit back his biting remarks, and tried to be more patient and understanding. It wasn't easy, and there were moments where his old habits threatened to resurface, but he was determined.

He also began to reach out in small ways - a simple greeting in the morning, a casual question or comment during training, an offer to spar or share a meal. These small gestures gradually broke down the wall between them, and Giyuu responded, albeit cautiously.

Over time, he noticed that the other seemed more relaxed around him, his usual stoic demeanour softening slightly. There were times when he even cracked a small smile, or held eye contact longer than necessary. Sanemi savoured every moment, every little change, feeling like he was making progress, like he was peeling back the layers bit by bit and discovering the real Giyuu underneath.

He found himself looking forward to these quiet moments when they could be themselves without pretence. Giyuu's presence had become a sort of comfort, calming the storm that was constantly raging in Sanemi's heart.

Giyuu, too, had noticed the changes. He found himself feeling strangely at ease with Sanemi, his blunt, coarse nature no longer as disconcerting as it had once been. In fact, it was starting to become oddly endearing.

But both of them were too scared to admit to their feelings. They continued to dance around each other, caught up in their own emotions and fears. Days turned into weeks, and the tension between them continued to build, a slow burn that threatened to boil over at any moment. The stolen glances, the almost-touches, the awkward silences - all were symptoms of the growing attraction they felt but dared not acknowledge.

The constant uncertainty, the fear of rejection, the deep-rooted belief that they didn't deserve happiness - all of it was holding them back from taking that risky step towards true intimacy.

Sanemi was getting frustrated, the slow progress eating away at him. He wanted to just confess, to lay all his feelings bare and be done with it. But every time he opened his mouth to speak, the words would stick in his throat, choked back by the same old fears. He knew he couldn't just confess, he was yet to apologise to Giyuu for being an ass.

One evening, Sanemi found himself standing outside Giyuu's room, his hands holding a bento and two bottles of saké ( Japanese alcoholic beverage or something like that). Sanemi had come up with a plan a few days ago that he would apologise to Giyuu over a meal and a drink or two. So here he was, putting it into action, still contemplating the idea of bringing alcohol but he knew that it would give him a little confidence.

He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves, before knocking on the door. Bracing himself for whatever that'll happen.

Giyuu's voice called out on the other side of the door, his tone polite yet guarded. "Who is it?"

"It's me."

There was a brief pause on the other side of the door before Giyuu called out again. "Come in."

Sanemi pushed open the door and stepped inside. The room was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from a single lamp on the nightstand. Giyuu was sitting on the tatami mat with a brush in his hand and a paper in laying on the chabudai table ( short- legged, small table) in front of him, his eyes flickering up to meet Sanemi's as he entered.

Sanemi paused for a moment, his heart suddenly feeling like it was lodged in his throat. The sight of Giyuu, looking at him with those deep, unfathomable eyes, was almost too much to bear.

Swallowing hard, he sat down at the table opposite Giyuu, placing the bento and the sake on the table. Giyuu's gaze flicked down to the food and drinks, then back up to Sanemi. He was curious, but he remained silent, waiting for Sanemi to speak first.

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