Chapter 11

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Once they both were seated, Giyuu felt Sanemi's shoulder bump into his and felt his heart suddenly speed up. He discreetly turned his head towards Sanemi, staring at the man's side profile. Giyuu couldn't help but think about how handsome Sanemi looked right now. The dim lightning of the room casted shadows that contoured his face, making him look even more handsome and attractive. Giyuu's chest tightened and he quickly turned away, his cheeks flushing from the thought.

He also noticed Sanemi's occasional subtle glances towards him. He quickly looked down at his own hands, trying to calm his pounding heart and his flushed cheeks. However, he felt his breath hitch as soon as he caught sight of the ring on his finger. His ring, the one Sanemi gave him during the ceremony. Giyuu's chest suddenly tightened and he quickly looked away, biting the inside of his cheek at the thought that he was now actually married to Sanemi.

Both Sanemi and Giyuu were deep in thought about each other when they suddenly began hearing their thoughts being interrupted. They both snapped out of their thoughts and turned their attention towards the figures approaching their table, where they were met with the eyes of their fellow pillars except Muichiro and Gyomei, smiling brightly at them.

"You two look adorable on wedding day!" Tengen beamed happily at the newly married couples as he sipped on his flute of champagne. The other Hashiras nodded in agreement, all of them smiling as they sipped on their glasses of champagne as well. Giyuu flushed slightly from embarrassment as he ducked his head slightly, not used to the attention he was getting.

On the other hand, Sanemi just scowled at Tengen as soon as the Sound Hashira spoke. "Shut it, Tengen." He snapped back at Tengen. Who just laughed goodnaturedly at Sanemi, finding joy in the man's usual aggressive demeanour. The other Hashiras joined in the laughter, but all the while, all the Hashiras just couldn't help but think of how adorable the two newlyweds looked together.

"Now, now, Sanemi! No need to be in such a sour mood. It's your wedding day!" Tengen continued to laugh as he spoke, his jovial mood infectious. The others couldn't help but laugh softly along with him as they watched the scene with slight glee.

Sanemi's scowl deepened at the Sound Hashira's comment. "I'm in a sour mood because you're pissing me off, dumbass." He growled at Tengen, his gaze sharp as he glared straight into the other's soul. The latter just laughed once more, seemingly unaffected by Sanemi's hostility.

"Oh c'mon! Loosen up a bit, Sanemi! Today is a fun day!" Tengen cheerfully clapped a hand on Sanemi's shoulder before turning towards Giyuu.

"You! Tomioka!" Giyuu suddenly straightened his back, slightly startled at being called out suddenly by the other hashira.

"We have a gift for you two! It's the best gift any couple could ask for!" Tengen enthusiastically said, his eyes twinkling with an unknown gleam. Giyuu stiffened for a second at the words before he saw Tengen reach into the bag that had been sitting at his chair and pulled out a small box.

Sanemi's eyes widened slightly as he saw the box Tengen was holding. What the hell is he up to this time? He thought as he eyed the item in the latter's hands warily. He could feel his heart rate pick up and an odd feeling spread through his body as he looked at the small, innocent-looking box. Tengen handed the small box to Giyuu, all the while his eye twinkled excitedly at Giyuu's surprised reaction. Sanemi just growled lowly at the exchange, his mind racing as he felt nervousness and anticipation fill his heart at the unknown contents of the box.

Giyuu carefully took the box and opened it, his heart pounding in his chest as he looked inside. His whole body suddenly froze and his cheeks immediately flushed bright red at the contents in the box. He instantly slammed the box closed again as soon as it hit him.

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