Chapter 15

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Sanemi's heart was now hammering in his chest, a mixture of fear and frustration welling up inside him. Where could Giyuu be? He'd probably just gone for a walk, trying to clear his mind or something. Sanemi knew he should wait for him to come back. But he couldn't stand the thought of sitting idly, waiting. He was starting to feel a deep, gnawing anxiety that he couldn't shake. Giyuu was strong, he could handle himself. But Sanemi couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

He left Giyuu's room and went to his own to change into his uniform . No way was he going to just sit around and do nothing. He would find the ravenette and make sure he was alright. He'd kick his ass if he found him just went for a pointless walk or something.

He walked down the hall, trying to figure out where Giyuu might have gone. The Wisteria House was large, with plenty of rooms and hiding spots. Sanemi gritted his teeth, his frustration mounting as he walked through the empty, quiet house.

Finally, he found himself at the back door. It was slightly ajar, Sanemi pushed out through it, a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Giyuu must have gone outside. Sanemi hoped he was just getting some fresh air.

He stepped, The Wisteria House was surrounded by a large, wooded area, the trees rustling softly in the breeze. Sanemi looked around, but he didn't see Giyuu anywhere. He walked further into the wood, the anxiety growing stronger. He called out, his voice loud and harsh in the silence. "Giyuu! Where the hell are you?" He was met with silence, the only sound the soft rustling of the leaves.

He walked deeper into the trees, his heart thumping in his chest. Every shadow looked ominous, every sound threatening. He was getting more and more anxious with every step, the feeling that something was wrong growing stronger and stronger. Sanemi forced himself to keep going, deeper into the wood. He was starting to get out of breath, his body protesting every step. Giyuu had to be out here somewhere. And when he found him, he was going to give him an earful fir making him worry.

It was almost mid-day, the area around the Wisteria House was empty, with no life in sight other than small animals. He was starting to get desperate now. The wood was dense and thick, easy to get lost in if you weren't careful. What if Giyuu didn't know his way out? What if he was lost somewhere, hurt or worse? Sanemi's mind conjured up all sorts of horrors, each one worse than the last.

"Giyuu!" he shouted again, his voice cracking a little. "Where are you, dammit!" There was no answer, just the same quiet stillness of the wood around him.

He trudged on, his mind racing. He needed to find Giyuu, he needed to know that he was alright. But the more he looked, the more lost he became. The trees all looked the same, the silence was driving him insane. He was tired and scared and frustrated, and none of this was helping him find Giyuu.

The sudden crisp air hit his face, Sanemi looked up, noticing the dark clouds that had begun to gather, cutting out the sunlight. The sky was a dark, roiling grey, matching his own mood. The air suddenly felt heavier, a hint of rain in it. Sanemi swore under his breath. Just what he needed, a storm on top of everything else.

Lightning crackled above, the rumble of thunder following soon after. The wind picked up, whipping through the trees and rustling the leaves. Sanemi felt a few drops of rain on his face, cold and bracing. The rain started falling harder, quickly turning into a downpour. Sanemi cursed again, the rain soaking his clothes and hair in an instant. He was already exhausted and now he was drenched and miserable. Just great.

The rain was heavy now, making it hard to see more than a few feet in front of him. The ground was becoming slippery under his feet, and Sanemi stumbled more than once. Sanemi knew he couldn't go further like this, he had to do something else. He looked around, hoping to find some shelter. There were a few trees that were big enough to provide some cover, but no sign of any caves or other natural shelters. The rain continued to fall, the sound of it a steady drumming on the leaves around him.

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